
Write a brief (about 200 words) about how a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment and Management course as...

Write a brief (about 200 words) about how a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment and Management course as a whole helps a person to know better?  

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Answer #1

Cyber Security deals with the protection and securing of data from the Intruders such that no undue advantage can be taken out of that. Data may be personal or official is important to be secured. To protect the data from hampering, we have to keep our data safe and secure.

Hence, we need to access the risks associated with it and try to solve those risks by managing it. Below are the outcomes for risk assessment

  • Identify different kinds of risk: The risk assessment will give us all the risks associated with our system and the limitations or security policies that our system is currently encountering.
  • Birth to different security requirements: The risk assessment helps us in identifying the risks and hence it will give us the need for making new security policies. For Example, there is one important file that a user wants no body to access as the file contains important data, so password protection can help.
  • Security policy: Risk assessment also gives birth to many security policies that help an individual and an organization to protect themselves.

So, accessing and managing different kinds of risks before hand helps in decreasing the vulnerability and cost that an individual or an organization may encounter.

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