What is the difference between an agent function and an agent program?
A. An agent function is an abstract mathematical mapping from percept sequences to actions; an agent program is a specific implementation in a system.
B. An agent function processes information from the agent's sensors; an agent program controls the agent's actuators.
C. An agent function applies to a finite set of inputs; an agent program applies to an infinite set of inputs.
Which of the following statements about rationality are true? (Mark ALL that are true.)
A. An agent that is rational in one task environment may be irrational in another task environment.
B. Whether an agent is rational depends on its performance measure, prior knowledge, possible actions, and percept sequence.
C. If an agent takes an action and incurs a penalty (based on the performance measure), then it is irrational even if it could not have anticipated the penalty based on its prior knowledge and percept sequence.
Consider a tic-tac-toe agent whose performance measure is 1 for winning a single game, 0 for a tie, and -1 for a loss; whose environment consists of the tic-tac-toe board and rules of the game; whose actuators allow it to place its symbol in an open spot on the board; and whose sensors allow it to perceive the board. This task environment is best described as:
A. partially observable, multiagent, deterministic, episodic, static, and discrete.
B. fully observable, single agent, stochastic, episodic, static, and continuous.
C. fully observable, single agent, deterministic, sequential, dynamic, and discrete.
D. partially observable, multiagent, deterministic, sequential, static, and continuous.
E. fully observable, multiagent, deterministic, sequential, static, and discrete.
Consider the same tic-tac-toe agent whose performance measure is 1 for winning a single game, 0 for a tie, and -1 for a loss; whose environment consists of the tic-tac-toe board and rules of the game; whose actuators allow it to place its symbol in an open spot on the board; and whose sensors allow it to perceive the board. The best type of agent program for this is:
A. Simple reflex agent
B. Model-based reflex agent
C. Utility-based agent
D. Goal-based agent
Please Note: As per the HOMEWORKLIB RULES, I have answered the first Question here. Please re-post for the rest.
What is the difference between an agent function and an agent program?
The correct difference between the agent function and an agent program is:
A. An agent function is an abstract mathematical mapping from percept sequences to actions; an agent program is a specific implementation in a system.
What is the difference between an agent function and an agent program? A. An agent function is an...
What is the difference between an agent function and an agent program? A. An agent function is an abstract mathematical mapping from percept sequences to actions; an agent program is a specific implementation in a system. B. An agent function processes information from the agent's sensors; an agent program controls the agent's actuators. C. An agent function applies to a finite set of inputs; an agent program applies to an infinite set of inputs. Which of the following statements about...
JAVA TIC TAC TOE - please help me correct my code Write a program that will allow two players to play a game of TIC TAC TOE. When the program starts, it will display a tic tac toe board as below | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 The program will assign X to Player 1, and O to Player The program will ask Player 1, to...
Write a Java program to play the game Tic-Tac-Toe. Start off with a human playing a human, so each player makes their own moves. Follow the design below, creating the methods indicated and invoking them in the main program. Use a char array of size 9 as the board; initialize with the characters 0 to 8 so that it starts out looking something like the board on the left. 0|1|2 3|4|5 6|7|8 and then as moves are entered the board...
Write a Java program to play the game Tic-Tac-Toe. Start off with a human playing a human, so each player makes their own moves. Follow the design below, creating the methods indicated and invoking them in the main program. Use a char array of size 9 as the board; initialize with the characters 0 to 8 so that it starts out looking something like the board on the left. 0|1|2 3|4|5 6|7|8 and then as moves are entered the board...
For this exercise, you will complete the TicTacToe Board that we started in the 2D Arrays Lesson. We will add a couple of methods to the TicTacToe class. To track whose turn it is, we will use a counter turn. This is already declared as a private instance variable. Create a getTurn method that returns the value of turn. Other methods to implement: printBoard()- This method should print the TicTacToe array onto the console. The board should include numbers that...
Enhance and correct a Tic Tac Toe game. The game is intended to be played against a computer. The object TicTacToeBoard is initialized to indicate if the computer is the player 1 or player 2. Your task is to allow turns between the player and computer and to determine if a winner exists. Keyboard input implies using the Scanner object. Review Section 7.7 in the textbook. Ideally, do 1 task at a time and test the results. The tasks are...
How can we assess whether a project is a success or a
This case presents two phases of a large business transformation project involving the implementation of an ERP system with the aim of creating an integrated company. The case illustrates some of the challenges associated with integration. It also presents the obstacles facing companies that undertake projects involving large information technology projects. Bombardier and Its Environment Joseph-Armand Bombardier was 15 years old when he built his first snowmobile...