Temperature (T) = 180C
Relative Humidity (RH) = 42% = 0.42
Saturation Vapor Pressure =
es = 6.11 x 107.5T/(237.3+T)
= 6.11 x 107.5*18/(237.3+18)
=20.64 mb (mb = millibar)
RH = e / es (e = vapor pressure)
e = es x RH = 20.64 x 0.42 = 8.67 mb
From table,
At T=17.80C, es=20.3 mb
At T=18.30C, es=21.1 mb
Interpolating above values to obtain es at T = 180C
es = 20.3 + { (21.1-20.3)/(18.3-17.8)}x(17-17.8)
= 20.62 mb
e = 20.62 x 0.42 = 8.66 mb
Hence, both values from formula and table are approximately equal as can be seen above.
Saturation Vapor Pressure = 20.64 mb
Vapor Pressure = 8.67 mb
Condensation begins when the atmosphere can no longer hold any more water vapor. That is when Relative Humidity is 1 (100%).
Thus RH =1 is achieved, when vapor pressure (e) equals to saturation vapor pressure (es)
As the air mass rises, its temperature decreases. We need to find the temperature at which saturation vapor pressure is equal to the vapor pressure
That is, the temperature at which, es = e = 8.67 mb
es = 6.11 x 107.5T/(237.3+T)
8.67= 6.11 x 107.5T/(237.3+T)
107.5T/(237.3+T) = 8.67 / 6.11 = 1.419
Taking Log Base 10 on both sides,
7.5T/(237.3+T) = log 1.419 = 0.152
7.5T = 36.07 +0.152T
7.348T = 36.07
T = 36.07/7.348 = 4.9090C
Also from Saturation Vapor Pressure Table, the saturation vapor pressure is 8.7 mb at 50C and our required es is 8.67 mb. Thus 4.9090C found from formula tallies with table value.
Hence, condensation will occur at 4.9090C.
Present Temperature = 180C
Air Mass cools at a rate of -100C / km, that is
100C cooling is achieved by a rise in 1 km
10C cooling is achieved by a rise in 1/10 km
(18-4.909)0C cooling is achieved by a rise in (1/10)*(18-4.909) km
=1.3091 km
Hence, at an elevation of 1.3091 km above present position, the air mass will start to condense.
An air mass has a temperature of 18°C and a relative humidity of 42%. a) Determine the vapor pres...