
1. Stop Burning Fossil Fuels Immediately (presented by WhaleHuggers, an environmentally-focused nonprofit) The burning of fossil fuels for energy, transportation, and manufacturing purposes is out of...

1. Stop Burning Fossil Fuels Immediately (presented by WhaleHuggers, an environmentally-focused nonprofit)

The burning of fossil fuels for energy, transportation, and manufacturing purposes is out of control and identified by the scientific community as a primary driver of climate change. Emissions from these fossil fuels significantly increase the concentration of atmosphere-warming greenhouse gases. It is the moral responsibility of governments across the globe, but especially developed and first-world countries, to immediately curtail these greenhouse gas emissions by rigorously pursuing alternative energy resources and taxing carbon emissions to pay for the transition to alternative energy.

For more background see: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

  1. identify which carbon reservoirs are impacted.
  2. comment on whether the submitted proposal is presented by a credible organization.
  3. identify any logical fallacies that may be presented within the proposal.
  4. evaluate the scientific validity of the proposal.
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Answer #1

Yes, this is a call by the  WhaleHuggers and the scientists about climate change are obvious and every responsible citizen will do the same.

The way climate change is becoming a global issue, it will grip the whole world in large and everyone knows that fossil fuels are solely responsible for this huge change in the climate.

Due to the excessive burning of the CO2, there is a greater increase in the CO2 in the atmosphere which is damaging our environment day by day.

In the given scenario, it is 100% true that it is the moral responsibility of governments across the globe, but specially developed and first-world countries, to immediately curtail these greenhouse gas emissions by rigorously pursuing alternative energy resources and taxing carbon emissions to pay for the transition to alternative energy because of the following reasons:

  • anyone should have to pioneer this event
  • and powerful nations have more responsibility than smaller nations
  • this step will give other nations to think of it and make it necessary to their nation and many more

The fallacies are

  • not to include the whole world
  • not to charge any nation and more

Yes, it is a good proposal to start from the developed nations and then it will go to the other nations and this proposal is still valid on all scientific level.

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1. Stop Burning Fossil Fuels Immediately (presented by WhaleHuggers, an environmentally-focused nonprofit) The burning of fossil fuels for energy, transportation, and manufacturing purposes is out of...
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