Which sequence will give pentanoic acid? (2 pts) 4. 1. BH3. THF 2. NAOH, H202, H20...
1) R'-MgBr in THF 2)H,o NaH Ho or OH PAA X2. H20 1) Hg(OAc)2, R'OH 2) NaBH4, NaOH, H20 Os0 NaHSO, H2O I) 2)CH, SCH HyIO HBr ROOR 1)BH3. THF 2)H202, NaOH, H2O Mg, THF PBr3 NaOH )OTHF 2) H30 CrOj. H,SO, 1) NaH 2)RXDMF "О-R DMF PCC DCM ) THF 2) H3O+ SOCI pyridine Li Hexanes
2. Give the numbers from the reagent table for the sequence of
reactions that will convert Compound A to Compound B.
4. Give the numbers from the reagent table for the sequence of
reactions that will convert Compound A to Compound B.
1. HNO3, H2SO4 2. PCC 3. Na2Cr207, H2S04 4. Br2. FeBr3 5. PBr3 6. H2C-О 7. 1. LiAIH4 2. H30+, H2O 8. HBr 9. H2O, H+ 10. CH3CH2CH2Cl, AICI3 11. CH3CH2CH-PPh3 12. Zn-Hg, EtOH, HCI 13....
Draw the product(s) of the following reactions.
1. BH3/THF CEC-H 2. H202/ aqueous NaOH
Choose reagents from the table for conversion of pentanoic acid to the following substances Choose the route with the fewest steps Use letters from the table to list reagents in the order used (first at the left). Example: ab Reagents e Br2/ NaOH, H2O 1. BH3/ THF 2. H20 b 1.LiAlH 2. H20 f Br2/ PBr3 j excess NH3 c 1. NaBH4 9 SOC2 k NaCN d H20, heat h PBr3 I NaN a) Butylamine b) Pentanamide SYSRO 0 7...
NaBH4 CC Hg(OAC)2 H20, THE NaOH 1. Hg(O2CCF3)2, 'ProH 2. NaBH4, NaOH 1. BHz •THF 2. H2O2, HOⓇ R-OH + Nax — NaCN DMSO TSCI pyridine ОН MSCI pyridine NasMe DMSO cat. HA MeOH + g. Arrange in the Increasing acidity order HẠO ROH RC=CH HA NHA RH. cold KMnO4, HOor 1. Os04 2. NaHSO3 MICH3 1. mCPBA 2. H+, CH3OH, H2O 1. mCPBA 2. NaOCH3, H20 H2O / H+ Hg(OAC)2 H2O, THE NaBH4 NaOH 1. BH3 THF 2. HaO2...
NaNH Br liq. NH 1) BH3, THF 2) H202, NaOH 1)Hg (OAC)2 B 2, THF-H2O 2) NaBH B SOCI Structure A Structure B
1. Give the missing reagents, reactants or products for each of the following reactions. KOC(CH3)2 (E2) 1. BH3 2. H2O2, NaOH, H2O PCC HBr/ROOR how many stereoisomers? PCC ad Excess H, H CH2Cl2 OT_HBr SN2 give one stereoisomer SN2 NaCN ACN (solvent) KMnO4 H2SO4 NaOEt (E2) mCPBA H2SO4 (cat) don't worry about this reaction ОН PCC CH2Cl2 NaOEt (E2) mCPBA H2SO4 (cat) don't worry about this reaction OH PCC CH2Cl2 HI (SN1)
Review | Constants Periodic Table ldentify A through O: CH3 (CH3)3CO 1. BH3/THF 2. H202, HO H30' . Li/hexane 2. Cul/THF HBr 1. Оз,-78 °C 2. (CH3)2S 3. ethylene oxide 4. HCI H2CrO4 SOCI2 CH3OH HOCI CH3CH2NH2 trace H HCI CH3CH2OH excess Part C ali Identify C and D Draw the molecules on the canvas by choosing buttons from the Tools (for bonds), Atoms, and Advanced Template toolbars. The single bond is active by default. Show the appropriate stereochemistry by...
QUESTION 5 What reagents can best be used to accomplish the following transformation? 1. BH3-THF 2. HO- H202 NaOH, H20 H+ H20 1.03 2. (CH3)2
Give the numbers from the reagent table for the
sequence of reactions that will convert ethanol to t-butyl
(2 18 15 18 .... 15 18 ...and
15 9 15 9 are all incorrect)
1. HNO3. H2S04 2. PCC 3. Na2Cr207. H2904 4. 8r2. FeBra 5. PBr3 6. H2C-О 7. 1. LiAIH4 2. H30+, H2O 8. HBr 9. H2O, H+ 10. CHgCH2CH2CI, AICI3 11. CH3CH2CH-PPh3 12. Zn-Hg. EtOH, HCI 13. Li THF 14. 1. CH3CH2CH2MgCI 2. H20, Ht 15 KMnO4...