#. Matching :-
1. Sulphur - this substance is a component of one of the amino acids and is found in protein , it is also involved in energy metabolism .
2. Vitamin B12 - Because this substance is found only in animal sources, such as liver ,kidney and dairy products , pernicious anemia the result of deficiencies ,may be a problem for vegetarians .
3. Iron - This substance is vital to life because of its role in the heme molecule,which carries oxygen to every cell in the body.
4. Vitamin K - about half of the body's requirement for this substance is fulfilled through synthesis by intestinal bacteria , bile is required for its absorption into the bloodstream .
5. Sodium - this substance works with potassium to maintain proper water balance and proper pH balance,the two also are involved in muscular nerve conduction and excitability .
6. Pyridoxine - this substance is found in rice , beans and yeast ,is important for protein metabolism .
7. Iodine - this substance is only found in the thyroid hormone, without it the thyroid gland would be unable to regulate the overall metabolism of the body .
8. Biotin - this is a member of B- complex , together with pantothenic acid is generally responsible for energy metabolism.
9. Retinol - this substance is part of pigment rhodopsin found in the eye and is responsible in part for vision , especially night vision .
10. Vitamin D- rickets and osteomalacia are diseases caused by deficiencies in this substance , when deficiencies occur usually in childhood, malformation of the skeleton is seen .
Matching Review the n ames listed in Column A. I Column B, identify whether each substance...
Soal Chapter 33. 2. Which of the following is an example of a monosaccharide a. Fructose b. Sucrose C. Glucose d. Amylose e. Both a and 287 3. What is the name for the compounds composed of the body? e compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen anderen that exist as triedycerides in a. Fats b. Fiber c. Vitamins d. Minerals 4. Which of the following is the basic structural unit of a protein a. Simple sugar b. Complex sugar c. Lipids...
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VOCABULARY BUILDER Misspelled Words Find the words below that are misspelled; circle them, and then correctly spell them in the spaces provided. Then fill in the blanks below with the correct vocabulary terms from the following list. amino acids digestion clectrolytes nutrients antioxident nutrition basal metabolic rate extracellulare oxydation calories fat-soluble presearvatives catalist glycogen processed foods cellulose homeostasis saturated fats major mineral coenzyeme trace minerals diaretics metabolism water-soluable 1. Artificial flavors, colors, and commonly added to...
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55. Carbohydrates and fats are botlh a. digested and absorbed in the human stomach b. sources of amino acids. c. used as energy sources. d. indigestible unless they are consumed together 56. As an experiment, a person who wishes to avoid getting ill during the winter significantly boosts his o her vitamin intake by taking multiple vitamin supplements. This action could help the person live decades longer b. be dangerous, because the human body needs vitamins...
Which statement about energy metabolism is correct? a. Glycogen stored in the pancreas provides a reserve supply of glucose. b. Vitamins stored in the gallbladder are released as needed. c. During an extended fast, fat reserves stored in fat cells provide energy for cellular processes. d. Liver cells hold reserves of calcium and sodium that can be drawn on to keep blood levels constant. e. Amino acids stored in the kidneys can supply protein needs on a long-term basis. Which...
need help with these two question
You complain of being tired all the time even though you are eating adequate amounts of carbohydrates, protein and fat to nourish your body. Your friend suggests that you start taking B-vitamins. Which of the following answers explains why your friend would make this suggestion and would taking B-vitamins be a beneficial way to boost your energy level? Choose all that apply B vitamins have calories and therefore provide energy B-vitamins are coenzymes that...
QUESTION 1 Which of the following is an advanced form of thiamin deficiency seen in alcoholics? a. Scurvy b. Megaloblastic anemia c. Wernicke-korsokoff syndrome. d. Pellagra QUESTION 2 Which of the following is NOT TRUE about thiamin? a. A deficiency is called beriberi. b. Polyneuritis is a symptom of thiamin toxicity. c. Thiamin deficiency is common among people who subsist almost exclusively on white rice. d. Lean pork is a nutrient-dense source of naturally occurring thiamin. QUESTION 3 Which of...
a) Which of the following nutrients does NOT provide energy?A. protein8. vitaminsC. carbohydratesD. fatb) Which of the following is recommended for a healthy diet? A. Reduce dietary fiber intake.B. Consume less than 10 % of total calories from saturated fat.C. Emphasize simple carbohydrates over complex carbohydrates.D. Minimize consumption of mono-unsaturated fats.c) Which is true about complex carbohydrates?A. They are high in calories and lead to weight gain.B. They should comprise the bulk of your diet.C. They are removed in most...
Garamond 12 A A- Aa A abe X x2 B Paragraph Paste Styles 1. The six groups of nutrients include the following a. carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water b. carbohydrates, lipids, antioxidants, protein, vitamins, and water c. amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and water d. carbohydrates, proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and water Which macronutrient is the most energy dense? 2 CHO b. Protein c. Lipids d. CHO and Protein 3. Which statement about CHO is false?...
1. Which of the following is not considered a nutrient a Vitamin B. Water c.Carbohydrate (d) Alcohol e Mineral 2. For which of the following causes of death does a person's diet play a part? a. Lung disease (6) Cancer Chronic lower respiratory diseases d. Infections of the blood e AIDS 3. Researchers repeatedly report that people who consume a variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains have reduced risks of which of the following...
Glucose oxidation rapidly adjusts to the dietary intake of carbohydrate. Which of these statements is true regarding excess carbohydrate intake? Choose all that apply. Excess carbohydrates slanul the body to store amino acids Excess carbohydrates are stored as glycogen Excess carbohydrates trager the process of gluconeogenesis. Excess carbohydrates can be converted to fat. Match the term with the correct definition Synthesis of glycogen lyropeless Synthesis of fatty acids & triglycerides ketogenic amino acids Amino acids that can be used to...