LOCATION: Outpatient, Hospital PATIENT: Shelby Winston SURGEON: Larry P. Friendly, M.D. PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Recurrent right inguinal hernia. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Same. PROCEDURES PERFORMED: Repair of recurrent right inguinal hernia. HISTORY: This is an 80-year-old female who has previously undergone a right inguinal hernia repair performed earlier this year. The repair was a type repair, and she, subsequently, returned with complaints of a new bulge in the right groin. An ultrasound was performed which demonstrated evidence of a right inguinal hernia. She now comes back to the operating room for repair of her recurrent right inguinal hernia. ANESTHESIA: Regional block. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: After adequate IV sedation, the abdomen and groin were prepped and draped in standard surgical fashion. Lidocaine 1% was injected in the right groin to produce a regional block. We then incised through the previous groin crease incision. We dissected down to the level of the external oblique fibers. We then opened these medially and laterally. We were able to clear off the floor of the inguinal canal using combination of sharp and blunt dissection. We were then able to identify a recurrence of her indirect inguinal hernia. There was evidence of a lipoma in the peritoneum. We therefore ligated the lipoma and transected this at its base. We then closed the internal ring using 0 Nurulon in an interrupted manner. I then elected to place a piece of Ultrapro mesh in the floor of the inguinal canal to provide further support for the repair. This was sutured in place with 2-0 Prolene in a running manner along the inguinal ligament and interrupted manner superiorly to the internal oblique transversus abdominis. We then irrigated out the wound. We assured we had adequate hemostasis. We then closed the external oblique fascia using 2-0 Vicryl. Scarpa's was closed using 3-0 Vicryl in an interrupted manner. Skin was then closed using 4-0 Monocryl in a running subcuticular manner. All sponge, needle and instrument counts were correct at the end of the case. The patient tolerated the procedure well. She was awakened, and returned to the recovery room in good condition. Pathology Report Later Indicated: Indirect inguinal hernia sac. There was evidence of a lipoma in the peritoneum tissue. LOCATION: Inpatient, Hospital PATIENT: Trudy Hammerlock ATTENDING PHYSICIAN: Ronald Green, M.D. Trudy is a 40-year-old who is a C5 quadriplegic who developed a urinary tract infection with sepsis, E. coli and developed a hospital-acquired pneumonia with staph aureus. There was also bacteremia with it. It is not MRSA though. She has been transferred to the floor. We are in the process of weaning down the ventilator, and we are able to get her down on the ventilator with a SIMV rate of 10. She remains afebrile. Chest is clear. We are trying to decide which of the central lines to remove. She has got two in now but they are both tunneled. She is anticoagulated. We have to assess which of the lines is the oldest and get rid of the oldest line and that will take some time to clot. We will have to come back a little bit later when we figure out which catheter I want to remove and what the anticoagulation is at that time, because the tunneled catheter is going to bleed. Hopefully, we can keep it down to a minimum.
Answer :
ICD 10 CM code for Right inguinal hernia is " K40. 90"
CPT code for inguinal hernia repair is, " 49651"
Because here the patient is having reccurence of inguinal hernia, it is repaired by surgically.
HCPCS means health care procedure coding system, these are based on the American Medical Association's current procedural terminology.
So the CPT and HCPCS are same.
LOCATION: Outpatient, Hospital PATIENT: Shelby Winston SURGEON: Larry P. Friendly, M.D. PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Recurrent right inguinal...
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Left inguinal hernia. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Large left inguinal hernia, direct. PROCEDURE: Repair of large direct left inguinal hernia with Prolene Hernia System Mesh (PHS) and resection of lipoma of the spermatic cord. FINDINGS: Large direct left inguinal hernia and large lipoma of the spermatic cord. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: After routine preparation, the patient was prepped and draped under general anesthesia in supine position. The bladder was decompressed with a Foley catheter. An incision was made in the left...
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Left inguinal hernia. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Large left inguinal hernia, direct. PROCEDURE: Repair of large direct left inguinal hernia with Prolene Hernia System Mesh (PHS) and resection of lipoma of the spermatic cord. FINDINGS: Large direct left inguinal hernia and large lipoma of the spermatic cord. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: After routine preparation, the patient was prepped and draped under general anesthesia in supine position. The bladder was decompressed with a Foley catheter. An incision was made in the left...
LOCATION: Outpatient, Hospital PATIENT: Fanny Wilder SURGEON: John Hodgson, M.D. PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Left carpal tunnel syndrome. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Same. PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Carpal tunnel released, left wrist. ANESTHESIA: Regional. INDICATIONS: Patient has long history of numbness, tingling and pain from the wrist into the thumb of the left hand. Patient has used immobilizer with minimal effectiveness. Risks and benefits were discussed, she is aware of possible reoccurrence of symptoms. The procedure was explained and her questions were answered and she elects...
SURGEON: Gary Sanchez, M.D. PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: 10 cm lipoma, right thigh POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: 10 cm lipoma, right thigh PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Excision of 10 cm right thigh lipoma INDICATIONS: Tyra Olsen is a very pleasant 32-year-old female, who presented with a large lipoma of her right thigh. She wants to have this resected. She understands the surgery and the risks of bleeding, infection, postoperative fluid collections and wishes to proceed. PROCEDURE: The patient was brought to the operating room, given IV...
What’s is the icd-10-PCs code is the diagnosed code correct is the procedure code right if not what are the revised codes loadAssignment?content id- _123884456_1&course id-_1219931_18user id- Evaluate the accuracy of diagnostic and procedural coding Apply guidelines specific to ICD-10-PCS Build ICD-10-PCS codes for given procedure . . Coding Audit Ch 7 Please refer to Case Study Operative Note #3 on page 155 in workbook For this exercise, you will audit the code diagnosis and procedure code assignment. Please submit...
83. OPERATIVE REPORT PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: History of left cryptorchid testicle. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Left ectopic testicle. PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Left groin exploration with orchiopexy. ANESTHESIA: General. Please see the preoperative note for indications of the procedure as well as full informed consent. This 14-year-old was recognized on a sports physical as having a nonpalpable testicle. Through his younger years, it had been palpable. The testicle on physical exam sat in the superficial inguinal canal next to the external ring. With...
LOCATION: Inpatient, Hospital PATIENT: Karla Stevens SURGEON: John Hodgson, M.D. PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: 1. Spinal stenosis, without neurogenic claudication. 2. Spondylolisthesis, L4-L5. 3. Right radicular pain L5 root. INDICATIONS: Karla is a 52-year-old woman who is a baker and stands on her feet for many hours a day. She was diagnosed with spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis and continues to have low back pain. She understands the risks and potential complications and problems that may occur from the surgery and wishes to...
Loren White, M.D. PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Mass, right axilla, history of breast cancer. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Same. OPERATION PERFORMED: Biopsy of mass, right axilla. PRELIMINARY NOTE: This patient had a mastectomy six years ago and had positive nodes at that time. Recently, she presented with a fixed mass in the right axilla, and after a good deal of discussion, she decided to have a biopsy done. We did a true cut needle biopsy and obtained a diagnosis of metastatic cancer. The patient...
LOCATION: Inpatient, Hospital PATIENT: Charlene Tipton SURGEON: Loren White, M.D. PRE/POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Right breast mass. PROCEDURE(S) PERFORMED: Right breast open biopsy. ANESTHESIA: General endotracheal. INDICATIONS: Charlene is a 66-year-old female who presented with a palpable right breast mass. A biopsy was done which showed atypical cells and was felt to be suspicious for cancer. She also had a highly suspicious lesion on ultrasound in the same area. An open biopsy was recommended. Possible definitive treatment with simple mastectomy was also...
Q: Need help with my assignment to code diagnoses(ICD-10-CM) and CPT for the following cases with explanation. Case-1 Patient Name: DOB: Age: 2Y Date of Surgery: 04/04/2014 Primary Care Physician: Cecil H Lashlee, M.D. Referring Physician(s): John F Bealer, M.D. PCP Operative Report Surgeon: John F Bealer, M.D. Assistant(s): None. Preoperative Diagnosis: Umbilical hernia. Postoperative Diagnosis: Umbilical hernia. Procedure: Umbilical herniorrhaphy. Anesthesia: General endotracheal anesthesia. Estimated Blood Loss: Less than 5 mL. Complications: There were no intraoperative complications. Counts: Correct....