
Guardian Inc us trying to develop an asset-financing plan. The firm has $400,000 tenporary current assets...

Guardian Inc us trying to develop an asset-financing plan. The firm has $400,000 tenporary current assets and 300,000 in permanent current assets. Guardian also has $500,000 in fixed assets. Assume a tax rate od 40 percent.

a. Constrct two alternative financing plans for Guardian. One of the plans should be conservative, with 75 percent of assets financed by long-term sources, and the other should be aggressive, with only 56.25 percent of assets financed financed bt lond-term sources. The current interest rate is 15 percent on long-term funds and 10 percent on short- term financing.

b. Given the Guardian's earnings before interest interest and taxes are $200,000, calcute earnings after taxes fir each of your alternatives.

c. What would happen if the short-and long-term rates were reverses?
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Answer #1
Temporary current assets 4,00,000
Permanent current assets 3,00,000
Total current assets 7,00,000
Fixed assets 5,00,000
Total assets 12,00,000
Option 1 Amount interest cost
75% long term sources @15% 9,00,000 1,35,000
25% short term sources @10% 3,00,000 30,000
Total 12,00,000 1,65,000
EBIT 2,00,000
Less : Total interest 1,65,000
Income before taxes 35,000
Less : Taxes @40% 14,000
Net Income 21,000
Option 2 Amount interest cost
56.25% long term sources @15% 6,75,000 1,01,250
43.75% short term sources @10% 5,25,000 52,500
Total 12,00,000 1,53,750
EBIT 2,00,000
Less : Total interest 1,53,750
Income before taxes 46,250
Less : Taxes @40% 18,500
Net Income 27,750
C. when capital structure reversed
Option 1 Amount interest cost
25% long term sources @15% 3,00,000 45,000
75% short term sources @10% 9,00,000 90,000
Total 12,00,000 1,35,000
EBIT 2,00,000
Less : Total interest 1,35,000
Income before taxes 65,000
Less : Taxes @40% 26,000
Net Income 39,000
Option 2 Amount interest cost
43.75% long term sources @15% 5,25,000 78,750
56.25% short term sources @10% 6,75,000 67,500
Total 12,00,000 1,46,250
EBIT 2,00,000
Less : Total interest 1,46,250
Income before taxes 53,750
Less : Taxes @40% 21,500
Net Income 32,250
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Guardian Inc us trying to develop an asset-financing plan. The firm has $400,000 tenporary current assets...
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