
HI, I am having trouble finsihing this program i was wondering if someone could help me....

HI, I am having trouble finsihing this program i was wondering if someone could help me. Thanks in adavnce.

Here is the code that I have so far.....


// implementation file for the stack class

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int stack_size = 100;

class stack
char data [stack_size]; // elements in the stack
int top; // index of the top element of the stack
stack (); // constructor creates an empty stack
void push (char item); // adds an element to the top of the stack
char pop (); // removes and returns the top element
bool empty (); // returns true if stack is empty
bool full (); // returns true if stack is full

// constructor creates an empty stack
stack::stack ()
top = -1;

// push adds an element, item, to the top of the stack
void stack::push (char item)
// if the stack is full, print an error message
if (full ())
cout << "\n\nStack Class Error: Pushing on a full stack";
cout << "\nElement being pushed is " << item;
else // OK to push the new element
data [top] = item;

// pop removes and returns the top element from the stack
char stack::pop ()
// if the stack is empty, print an error message
if (empty ())
cout << "\n\nStack Class Error: Popping an empty stack";
cout << "\nReturning a ?";
return '?';
else // OK to pop the stack
return data [top + 1];

// empty returns true if the stack is empty, else it returns false
bool stack::empty ()
return top == -1;

// full returns true if the stack is full, else it returns false
bool stack::full ()
return top == stack_size - 1;


// Inventory.cpp

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include "stack.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
int total_days = 10, // total number of days in the simulation
print_days = 5, // print results every print_days days
max_package_size = 100, // largest vaccine package in terms of how many vaccines
// are in it (packages sizes will be randomly  
// set from 1 to max_package_size)
add_packages = 10, // number of packages added each minute
total_vaccines = 250, // total number of vaccines a lab technical can process
// test and ship a day
Lab_techs; // number of postal workers read from user

return 0;

. Make the following changes to the stack class:

Make all necessary changes to have the class store integers on the stack instead of characters. pop should return -1 if called when the stack is empty.

Add a print member function that prints the values in the stack from top to bottom, one per line. print should not change the stack.

Write an elements member function that returns the number of elements on the stack. elements should not print anything. elements should not change the stack.

Write a peek member function that returns the top element on the stack. peek returns -1 if the stack is empty. peek should not change the stack.

2. Write a simulation of package handling at the HealthTime warehouse in

     the file Inventory.cpp. There will be a stack of packages to be handled.   

     The following variables are used in the program. A number of them have

     set values. Your program should still work properly if the values are


// total number of days in the simulation

   int total_days = 10,


// print results every print_days days

   print_days = 5,

// largest vaccine package in terms of how many vaccines

// are in it (packages sizes will be randomly

// set from 1 to max_package_size)

   max_package_size = 100,

// number of packages added to inventory each day

   add_packages = 10,


// total number of vaccines a lab technician can process

// test and ship a day

   total_vaccines = 250,   


// number of lab technicians read from user


The simulation will run for total_days simulated days. The current state of the stack will be printed every print_days days. Packages on the stack will be represented by integers indicating their how many vaccine doses are in them. They are (random values from 50 to max_package_size). There will be add_packages random packages added each day. Each lab technician can only handle total_vaccines each day taken from the top of the stack. So, if total_vaccines is 250, and the current stack contains these packages:

92 vaccines

84 vaccines

51 vaccines

68 vaccines

the lab technician could only handle the top three packages. The forth package would be handled be a second lab tech or stay in the stack. There will be Lab_techs (entered by the user) employees working.

A general algorithm for the simulation would thus be:

read number of Lab_techs

for (days from 1 to total_days)


   for (number of add_packages)


      generate random number between 50 and max_pkg_size

      push random number to the stack of vaccines


   for (number of lab techs)


       while(sum < total_vaccines)


         add vaccines at top of stack to sum

         if sum < total_vaccines

            - pop element

            - subtract 1 from elements in stack





   if(it is time to print based on print_days)


       print the current day

       print the stack of packages

       print the number of packages in the stack



The following page has a sample run. To make the run shorter, total_days was set equal to 5). Feel free to change the variable values to help test/debug your program. The simulation should generate different sets of random package sizes (between 50 and 100) each run (that is, use srand appropriately).
Please enter the number of Lab technicians: 1

Time: 1 Days

Packages in stack:

89 vaccines

58 vaccines

72 vaccines

84 vaccines

57 vaccines

98 vaccines

55 vaccines

59 vaccines

Number of packages in stack: 8

Time: 2 Days

Packages in stack:

99 vaccines

79 vaccines

96 vaccines

60 vaccines

54 vaccines

94 vaccines

70 vaccines

91 vaccines

89 vaccines

58 vaccines

72 vaccines

84 vaccines

57 vaccines

98 vaccines

55 vaccines

59 vaccines

Number of packages in stack: 16

Time: 3 Days

Packages in stack:

50 vaccines

63 vaccines

91 vaccines

90 vaccines

70 vaccines

100 vaccines

63 vaccines

99 vaccines

79 vaccines

96 vaccines

60 vaccines

54 vaccines

94 vaccines

70 vaccines

91 vaccines

89 vaccines

58 vaccines

72 vaccines

84 vaccines

57 vaccines

98 vaccines

55 vaccines

59 vaccines

Number of packages in stack: 23

Time: 4 Days

Packages in stack:

97 vaccines

61 vaccines

56 vaccines

76 vaccines

63 vaccines

97 vaccines

55 vaccines

50 vaccines

63 vaccines

91 vaccines

90 vaccines

70 vaccines

100 vaccines

63 vaccines

99 vaccines

79 vaccines

96 vaccines

60 vaccines

54 vaccines

94 vaccines

70 vaccines

91 vaccines

89 vaccines

58 vaccines

72 vaccines

84 vaccines

57 vaccines

98 vaccines

55 vaccines

59 vaccines

Number of packages in stack: 30

0 0
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Answer #1
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const int stack_size = 100;

class stack
         int data [stack_size];  // elements in the stack
         int top;               // index of the top element of the stack 
         stack ();              // constructor creates an empty stack
         void push (int item); // adds an element to the top of the stack
         int pop ();           // removes and returns the top element
         bool empty ();         // returns true if stack is empty
         bool full ();          // returns true if stack is full
         void print();
         int elements();
         int peek();

// constructor creates an empty stack
stack::stack ()
   top = -1;

// push adds an element, item, to the top of the stack
void stack::push (int item)
     // if the stack is full, print an error message
     if (full ())
         cout << "\n\nStack Class Error: Pushing on a full stack";
         cout << "\nElement being pushed is " << item;
     else // OK to push the new element
         data [top] = item;

// pop removes and returns the top element from the stack
int stack::pop ()
     // if the stack is empty, print an error message
     if (empty ())
          cout << "\n\nStack Class Error: Popping an empty stack";
          cout << "\nReturning a ?";
          return -1;
     else  // OK to pop the stack
         return data [top + 1];

// empty returns true if the stack is empty, else it returns false
bool stack::empty ()
     return top == -1;

// full returns true if the stack is full, else it returns false
bool stack::full ()
     return top == stack_size - 1;

void stack::print() {
        if(empty()) {
                cout << "Stack is empty" << endl;
        } else {
                cout << "Stack content:" << endl;
                for(int i=top; i>=0; i--) {
                        cout << data[i] << endl;

int stack::elements() {
        if(empty()) {
                return 0;
        } else {
                return top + 1;

int stack::peek() {
        if(empty()) {
                return -1;
        } else {
                return data[top];

int main()
        // total number of days in the simulation
        int total_days = 5,

        // print results every print_days days
        print_days = 1, 

        // largest vaccine package in terms of how many vaccines
        // are in it  (packages sizes will be randomly
        // set from 1 to max_package_size)
        max_package_size = 100,   

        // number of packages added to inventory each day
        add_packages = 10, 

        // total number of vaccines a lab technician can process
        // test and ship a day
        total_vaccines = 250,   

        // number of lab technicians read from user

        stack vaccines;

        cout << "Please enter the number of Lab technicians: ";
        cin >> lab_techs;

        for(int days = 1; days <= total_days; days++) {

                for (int i=0; i< add_packages; i++) {
                        int size = 50 + rand() % (max_package_size - 50 + 1);

                for(int i=0; i < lab_techs; i++) {
                        int sum = 0;
                        while(sum < total_vaccines) {
                                sum += vaccines.peek();

                                if(sum < total_vaccines) {
                                } else {

                cout << endl << endl;

                if(days % print_days == 0) {

                        cout << "Time: " << days << " Days:" << endl;
                        cout << "packages in stack:" << endl;
                        cout << "number of packages in stack: " << vaccines.elements() << endl;


        return 0;

saved share run 65 67 main.cpp 100 101 int main) 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 89 86 /total number of days in the simulHi. please find the answer above.. i have given comments so that it is very easy for you to understand the flow. In case of any doubts, please ask in comments. If the answer helps you, please upvote. Thanks!

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