
Can you show me the mechanism for 1-Butanol to Cis-2-Butene and trans-2-butene?

(Does the carbocation shift from c1 to c2, then a hydride shift from c2 to c1 (kicking off the water), then another water molecule takes a hydrogen from c3, with the electrons then going from c3, to share between c3 and c2?)

Many carbocation rearrangements involve hydride shifts (Section can also migrate to a positively charged carbon. in the direction that leads to a more stable carbocation. 5.12) and proceed -C-C+ C-C-X B Y Hydride shift B Y Hydride shifts often occur during the dehydration of primary alcohols, Thus, although 1-butene might be expected to be the only alkene formed on dehydration of 1-butanol, it is in fact accompanied by a mixture of cis- and trans-2-butene. 140-170°C 1-Butene (12%) cis-2-Butene (32%) trans-2-Butene (56%) 1-Butanol

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Can you show me the mechanism for 1-Butanol to Cis-2-Butene and trans-2-butene? (Does the carbocation shift...
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