/// c ++ question plz help me fix this not a new code and explain to me plz ///
Write a function to verify the format of an email address:
bool VeryifyEmail(char email[ ]);
Do NOT parse the email array once character at a time. Use cstring functions to do most of the work. Take a look at the available cstring and string class functions on cplusplus website.
Use a two dimensional array to store the acceptable top domain names: "COM", "ORG", "NET", "US", "CN", "CA",etc.
I didnt do the 2D array, please also put it in the code thanks ////// #include <iostream>
#include <string>
bool VeryfyEmail(char email);
bool isCharacter(char Character);
bool isNumber(char Character);
using namespace std;
int main()
// set the email you wanna Verify
string email;
string test;
cout << " enter an Email: " << endl;
test = email;
// output the email you entered
cout << "the email you enter is: " << endl;
cout << email;
cout << endl;
// Verfy email
if (VeryfyEmail(test))
cout << " your email is vaild." << endl<< endl;
cout << " your email is invaild. " << endl<< endl;
return 0;
bool VeryfyEmail(char email)
if(!email) // if cannot read emial
return 0;
return 0;
// first character not a character a-z A-Z
int atOffset = -1;
int Dotoffset = -1;
int length = strlen(email); //length
for (int i =0; i < length; i++)
if (email[i] == '@') // if one of the character is @ store it in atOffset
atOffset = (int)i;
else if (email[i] =='.') // if one of the character is . store it in Dotoffset
Dotoffset = (int)i;
if (atOffset == -1 || Dotoffset == -1)
cout << " i cannot find any '@' or '.' " << endl;
return 0;
if (atOffset > Dotoffset)
cout << "@ is after ." << endl<< endl;
return 0;
return !(Dotoffset >= ((int)length -1 )); // check there is some other letters after the Dot
bool isCharacter(char Character)
return ((Character >= 'a' && Character <= 'z') || (Character >='A' && Character <= 'Z'));
// check between a-z or A-Z
bool isNumber(char Character)
return (Character>='0' && Character <= '9');
//between 0-9
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
bool VeryfyEmail(char email);
bool isCharacter(char Character);
bool isNumber(char Character);
using namespace std;
int main()
// set the email you wanna Verify
string email;
string test;
cout << " enter an Email: " << endl;
test = email;
// output the email you entered
cout << "the email you enter is: " << endl;
cout << email;
cout << endl;
// Verfy email
if (VeryfyEmail(test))
cout << " your email is vaild." << endl<< endl;
cout << " your email is invaild. " << endl<< endl;
return 0;
bool VeryfyEmail(char email[]) // Here there was a mistake since you have not used [] for email parameter, so it was accepting the string as character and not string
if(!email) // if cannot read emial
return 0;
return 0;
// first character not a character a-z A-Z
int atOffset = -1;
int Dotoffset = -1;
int length = strlen(email); //length
for (int i =0; i < length; i++)
if (email[i] == '@') // if one of the character is @ store it in atOffset
atOffset = (int)i;
else if (email[i] =='.') // if one of the character is . store it in Dotoffset
Dotoffset = (int)i;
if (atOffset == -1 || Dotoffset == -1)
cout << " i cannot find any '@' or '.' " << endl;
return 0;
if (atOffset > Dotoffset)
cout << "@ is after ." << endl<< endl;
return 0;
return !(Dotoffset >= ((int)length -1 )); // check there is some other letters after the Dot
bool isCharacter(char Character)
return ((Character >= 'a' && Character <= 'z') || (Character >='A' && Character <= 'Z'));
// check between a-z or A-Z
bool isNumber(char Character)
return (Character>='0' && Character <= '9');
//between 0-9
/// c ++ question plz help me fix this not a new code and explain to...
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//File: mystring1.h
// ================
// Interface file for user-defined String class.
#ifndef _MYSTRING_H
#define _MYSTRING_H
#include <cstring> // for strlen(), etc.
using namespace std;
#define MAX_STR_LENGTH 200
class String {
String(const char s[]); // a conversion constructor
void append(const String &str);
// Relational operators
bool operator ==(const String &str) const;
bool operator !=(const String &str) const;
bool operator >(const...
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CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 8.4.2: Find char in C string Assign a pointer to any instance of searchChar in personName to searchResult. #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int main() { char personName[100]; char searchChar; char* searchResult = nullptr; cin.getline(personName, 100); cin >> searchChar; /* Your solution goes here */ if (searchResult != nullptr) { cout << "Character found." << endl; } else { cout << "Character not found." << endl; } return 0; }
Problem with C++ program. Visual Studio say when I try to debug "Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'string4b' was corrupted. I need some help because if the arrays for string4a and string4b have different sizes. Also if I put different sizes in string3a and string4b it will say that those arrays for 3a and 3b are corrupted. But for the assigment I need to put arrays of different sizes so that they can do their work...
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In C++ please!
*Do not use any other library functions(like strlen) than the
one posted(<cstddef>) in the code below!*
CS 150 C-Strings
Follow the instructions on your handout to complete the
requested function. You may not use ANY library functions
or include any headers, except for <cstddef> for
#include <cstddef> // size_t for sizes and indexes
// These are OK after...
Can anyone help me fix this program to make sure use stack and use STL library to check the name1 and name2 is palindrome. Thank you stackPalindrome.h #ifndef_STACK_PALINDROME_H #define_STACK_PALINDROME_H template <class StackPalindrome> class StackPalindrome { public: virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0; virtual bool push(const ItemType& newEntry) = 0; virtual bool pop() = 0; virtual ItemType peek() const = 0; }; #endif stack.cpp #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<new> #include "stackPalindrome.h" using namespace std; template <class ItemType> class OurStack...