
Need help for C program. Thx #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> // READ BEFORE YOU...

Need help for C program. Thx

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

// This homework is built on homework 06. The given program is an updated version of hw06 solution. It begins by displaying a menu to the user 
// with the add() function from the last homework, as well as some new options: add an actor/actress to a movie, display a list of movies for 
// an actor/actress, delete all movies, display all movies, display a movie by index, and display a list of movies by genre. Your job is to 
// implement the delete_all(), print_by_index(), print_by_genre(), add_actor(), and find_actor() functions. Each has specific instructions 
// included in comments above of the function. A new struct has been inlcuded, which you will use to create a linked list of actors for each 
// movie in your list. You should begin by tracing the helper2 and print_helper functions that are already implemented for you. Not only will 
// this help you in understanding how to define and use pointers, it will help you understand what this program does. You should not change any 
// of the code that you are given, only implement code where you are asked. You may assume that no 2 movies will have the same name.

#pragma warning(disable : 4996) 

typedef enum { action = 0, comedy, thriller } genre;// enumeration type genre

char* gen[] = { "action", "comedy", "thriller" };// used for easy of printing genre

// contains movie information
struct movie {
        struct movie* next;
        struct actor* actors; // added for hw07
        char name[100];
        int rating;
        genre type;
} *list = NULL;

// added for hw07
// contains actor information
struct actor {
        struct actor* next;
        char name[100];

// forward declarations
void flush();  
void branching(char c);
void helper(char c);
void add(struct movie* new_movie);

// added for hw07
void helper2(char);
void print_helper(struct movie*);
struct movie* print_all(struct movie*);
void delete_all(struct movie*);
struct movie* print_by_index(int);
struct movie* print_by_genre(int);
int add_actor(char*, char*);
struct movie* find_actor(char*);

const size_t line_size = 300; // global line_sized used in helper2() function to read input line

int main()
        char ch = 'i';

        ungetc('\n', stdin); // inject input buffer with a return character

        printf("Welcome to the movie manager!\n\n");

        do {
                printf("Please enter your selection\n");
                printf("\ta: add a movie\n");

                // added for hw07
                printf("\tb: add an actor/actress to a movie\n");
                printf("\tc: display a list of movies for an actor/actress\n");
                printf("\td: delete all movies\n");
                printf("\te: display all movies\n");
                printf("\tf: display a movie by index\n");
                printf("\tg: display a list of movies by genre\n");

                printf("\tq: quit \n");

                flush(); // flush input buffer
                ch = tolower(getchar());
        } while (ch != 113);

        return 0;

// flush input buffer. You could use the predefined fflush()
void flush()
        int c;
        do {
                c = getchar();
        } while (c != '\n' && c != EOF);

// branch to different tasks
void branching(char c)
        switch (c) {
        case 'a':
        case 'b': // add an actor/actress to a movie
        case 'c': // display a list of movies for an actor/actress
        case 'd': // delete all movies
        case 'e': // display all movies
        case 'f': // display a movie by index
        case 'g': // display a list of movies by genre
        case 'q':
                printf("Invalid input!\n");

        if (c == 'b' || c == 'c'){
                ungetc('\n', stdin);

// (Used for hw06 implementation)
// The helper function is used to determine how much information is needed, and which function to send that information to.
// It uses pointers that are returned from these functions to produce the correct ouput.
// There is no implementation needed here, but you should study this function and know how it works.
// It is always helpful to understand how the code works before implementing new features.
// Do not change anything in this function or the test cases will fail.
void helper(char c) {

        char* input_genre = (char*)malloc(100);
        int valid_genre = -1;

        // create new temporary pointers
        struct movie *ptr = (struct movie *)malloc(sizeof(struct movie));
        struct movie *temp;

        // if you are adding a movie or requesting a recommendation
        if (c == 'a')
                // stores the genre of the movie into pointer
                printf("What is the genre of the movie? (action/comedy/thriller):\n");
                while (valid_genre < 0)
                        scanf("%s", input_genre);

                        if (strcmp(input_genre, "action") == 0)
                                ptr->type = (genre)0;// type casting
                        else if (strcmp(input_genre, "comedy") == 0)
                                ptr->type = (genre)1;
                        else if (strcmp(input_genre, "thriller") == 0)
                                ptr->type = (genre)2;
                                printf("Please enter a valid genre (action/comedy/thriller).\n");// error handling

        //stores the name of the movie into pointer
        printf("Enter the name of the movie:\n");
        fgets(ptr->name, sizeof(ptr->name), stdin);

        int input = -1;

        //stores the rating of the movie into pointer
        while (input < 1 || input > 10)
                printf("What is your rating of the movie? (1-10):\n");
                scanf("%d", &input);

                if (input >= 1 && input <= 10)
                        ptr->rating = input;
                        printf("Please enter a rating between 1 and 10.\n");

        // always set next equal to NULL before adding to a list so that if it is placed at the end of the list, you know where to stop traversing
        ptr->next = NULL;
        // added for hw07
        ptr->actors = NULL;


// See hw06 for full functionality
void add(struct movie* new_movie)
        struct movie* follow = list;

        if (list == NULL) // inserting into an empty list
                list = new_movie;
        else if (list->rating <= new_movie->rating) // inserting at the beginning of the list
                new_movie->next = list;
                list = new_movie;

        struct movie* temp = list->next;

        while (temp != NULL) // inserting inbetween 2 nodes in the list
                if (temp->rating <= new_movie->rating)
                        new_movie->next = temp;
                        follow->next = new_movie;
                follow = temp;
                temp = temp->next;
        follow->next = new_movie; // inserting at the end of the list

// used for hw07
// The helper2 function is used to determine how much information is needed, and which function to send that information to.
// It uses pointers that are returned from these functions to produce the correct ouput.
// There is no implementation needed here, but you should study this function and know how it works.
// It is always helpful to understand how the code works before implementing new features.
// Do not change anything in this function or the test cases will fail.
void helper2(char c)
        int index = 0; // used to print an index
        int genre = -1;
        char* movie_name;
        char* actor_name;
        movie_name = (char*)malloc(5000 * sizeof(char*));
        actor_name = (char*)malloc(5000 * sizeof(char*));

        if (c == 'b') // add an actor/actress to a movie
                printf("Enter the actor/actress name:\n");
                fgets(actor_name, line_size, stdin);

                printf("Enter the movie they were they in:\n");
                fgets(movie_name, line_size, stdin);

                int result = add_actor(movie_name, actor_name);

                if (result == 0)
                        printf("That movie is not in your list, please add that movie first.\n\n");
                else if (result == 1)
                        printf("Actor added.\n\n");
                else if (result == -1)
                        printf("That actor is already listed for that movie.\n\n");

        if (c == 'c')  // display a list of movies for an actor/actress
                printf("Enter the actor/actress name:\n");
                fgets(actor_name, line_size, stdin);

                struct movie* temp = find_actor(actor_name);

                if (temp != NULL)
                        printf("That actor/actress is in:\n");
                else printf("That actor is not in any movies in your list.\n\n", index);


        if (c == 'd')  // delete all movies
                printf("All movies deleted.\n");

        if (c == 'e')  // display all movies

        if (c == 'f')  // display a movie by index
                printf("Enter an index to print:\n");

                while (index < 1)
                        scanf("%d", &index);
                        if (index < 1)
                                printf("Enter an index greater than 0:\n");

                struct movie* temp = print_by_index(index);

                if (temp != NULL)
                        struct actor* ptr = temp->actors;

                        printf("Movie at index %d:\n", index);
                        printf("Movie: %s", temp->name);
                        printf("Rating: %d\n", temp->rating);
                        printf("Genre: %s\n", gen[temp->type]);
                        printf("Actor/Actress: ");
                        if (ptr == NULL)
                                printf("no actor/actress listed.\n\n");
                                while (ptr != NULL)
                                        printf("%s", ptr->name);
                                        ptr = ptr->next;
                else printf("There is no movie at index %d.\n\n", index);

        if (c == 'g')  // display a list of movies by genre
                printf("Select a genre to display\n0. action\n1. comedy\n2. thriller\n");

                while (genre < 0 || genre > 2)
                        scanf("%d", &genre); // enter an integer only
                        if (genre < 0 || genre > 2)
                                printf("Select a valid option:\n"); 

                struct movie* temp = print_by_genre(genre);

                if (temp != NULL)
                        printf("%s movies:\n", gen[genre]);
                else printf("There are no %s movies in the list.\n\n", gen[genre]);

// print_helper prints movie information from the parameter "moviesToPrint" in an organized format
// If moviesToPrint is NULL, it prints, "Your list is empty!"
// print_all and print_by_genre (which is to be implemented) use this function to print a desired list of movies
void print_helper(struct movie* moviesToPrint)
        struct actor* ptr;

        if (moviesToPrint == NULL)
                printf("Your list is empty!\n");

        while (moviesToPrint != NULL) // traverse list of movies
                ptr = moviesToPrint->actors;
                printf("Movie: %s", moviesToPrint->name);
                printf("Rating: %d\n", moviesToPrint->rating);
                printf("Genre: %s\n", gen[moviesToPrint->type]);
                printf("Actor/Actress: ");
                if (ptr == NULL)
                        printf("no actor/actress listed.\n\n");
                        while (ptr != NULL) // traverse list of actors
                                printf("%s", ptr->name);
                                ptr = ptr->next;
                moviesToPrint = moviesToPrint->next;


// print_all simply returns the parameter that it is given to print all of the movies' information in the parameter.
struct movie* print_all(struct movie* movies)
        return movies;

// Q1 delete_all (5)
// Recursively delete the entire list of movies. The parameter movies is a pointer to your list.
// You MUST use recursion, or you will recieve a 0 for this part. You must must use comments to indicate the steps of the fantastic four step approach.
// (hint: don't forget to set your list back to NULL)
void delete_all(struct movie* movies)
        // add your code

// Q2 print_by_index (5)
// Traverse your list and return a pointer to a movie in your list at the idex of the given parameter.
// For example, if the index = 1, then you would return the first movie in the list. (At the head, and also, the highest rated movie).
// If the list does not contain the amount that is given by the index, return NULL.
//   For exmample, if you have a list of 1 movie, and index = 2, return NULL.
struct movie* print_by_index(int index)
        // add your code
        return NULL;

// Q3 print_by_genre (10)
// Traverse your list and return a new list filled with movies that are of the type given by the integer type parameter.
// Use type-casting to compare the integer value to the genre value associated with each pointer in the list. (see the helper() function for an example)
// The movies in the returned list should contain all of the information available for that movie (ex: name, rating, actors, etc.)
// The list of movies that you return should be in order of rating from highest to lowest (the head should be the highest rated movie.)
// (Keep in mind that your "list" is already sorted by rating!)
// If no movies in your list are of the genre type given by your parameter "type", then return NULL
struct movie* print_by_genre(int type)
        // add your code
        return NULL;

// Q4 add_actor (15)
// Traverse your list to find a movie in your list with the name that matches the parameter "movie_name"
// Then, add the actor/actress to linked list of "actors" in your linked list of "movies"
// The list of actor/actress should be in alphabetical order. Do this by using the strcmp() method
// For an example of how to access and modify actor information, refer to the helper2 and print_helper functions
//      For example: If John Cena is already in your list of actor/actress, and you add the actor Jon Cena, the list would print as:

//       Actor/Actress: 
//       John Cena
//       Jon Cena

// If the movie is in the list, add the actor/actress to the actor/actress list, and return 1
// If the movie is not in the list, return 0
// Do not add duplicate actor/actress. If John Cena is already in your list of actor/actress, and actor_name == John Cena, return -1;
// NOTE : You can assume that no 2 movies in the list will have the same name
int add_actor(char* movie_name, char* actor_name)
        // add your code
        return 0;

// Q5 find_actor (15)
// Traverse your list and return a new list filled with movies that include the actor name given by the parameter actor_name
// The movies in the returned list should contain all of the information available for that movie (ex: name, rating, other actors, etc.)
// The list of movies that you return should be in order of rating from highest to lowest (the head should be the highest rated movie.)
// (Keep in mind that your "list" is already sorted by rating!)
// If no movies in your list contain the actor name given by the parameter actor_name, then return NULL
// (hint: this is similar to your print_by_genre function)
struct movie* find_actor(char* actor_name)
        // add your code
        return NULL;
0 0
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Answer #1

Given below is the completed code for the question. Sample output is shown at end. Please don't forget to rate the anwer if it helped.Thank you very much.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// This homework is built on homework 06. The given program is an updated version of hw06 solution. It begins by displaying a menu to the user
// with the add() function from the last homework, as well as some new options: add an actor/actress to a movie, display a list of movies for
// an actor/actress, delete all movies, display all movies, display a movie by index, and display a list of movies by genre. Your job is to
// implement the delete_all(), print_by_index(), print_by_genre(), add_actor(), and find_actor() functions. Each has specific instructions
// included in comments above of the function. A new struct has been inlcuded, which you will use to create a linked list of actors for each
// movie in your list. You should begin by tracing the helper2 and print_helper functions that are already implemented for you. Not only will
// this help you in understanding how to define and use pointers, it will help you understand what this program does. You should not change any
// of the code that you are given, only implement code where you are asked. You may assume that no 2 movies will have the same name.

#pragma warning(disable : 4996)

typedef enum { action = 0, comedy, thriller } genre;// enumeration type genre

char* gen[] = { "action", "comedy", "thriller" };// used for easy of printing genre

// contains movie information
struct movie {
struct movie* next;
struct actor* actors; // added for hw07
char name[100];
int rating;
genre type;
} *list = NULL;

// added for hw07
// contains actor information
struct actor {
struct actor* next;
char name[100];

// forward declarations
void flush();
void branching(char c);
void helper(char c);
void add(struct movie* new_movie);

// added for hw07
void helper2(char);
void print_helper(struct movie*);
struct movie* print_all(struct movie*);
void delete_all(struct movie*);
struct movie* print_by_index(int);
struct movie* print_by_genre(int);
int add_actor(char*, char*);
struct movie* find_actor(char*);

const size_t line_size = 300; // global line_sized used in helper2() function to read input line

int main()
char ch = 'i';
ungetc('\n', stdin); // inject input buffer with a return character
printf("Welcome to the movie manager!\n\n");
do {
printf("Please enter your selection\n");
printf("\ta: add a movie\n");
// added for hw07
printf("\tb: add an actor/actress to a movie\n");
printf("\tc: display a list of movies for an actor/actress\n");
printf("\td: delete all movies\n");
printf("\te: display all movies\n");
printf("\tf: display a movie by index\n");
printf("\tg: display a list of movies by genre\n");
printf("\tq: quit \n");
flush(); // flush input buffer
ch = tolower(getchar());
} while (ch != 113);
return 0;

// flush input buffer. You could use the predefined fflush()
void flush()
int c;
do {
c = getchar();
} while (c != '\n' && c != EOF);

// branch to different tasks
void branching(char c)
switch (c) {
case 'a':
case 'b': // add an actor/actress to a movie
case 'c': // display a list of movies for an actor/actress
case 'd': // delete all movies
case 'e': // display all movies
case 'f': // display a movie by index
case 'g': // display a list of movies by genre
case 'q':
printf("Invalid input!\n");
if (c == 'b' || c == 'c'){
ungetc('\n', stdin);

// (Used for hw06 implementation)
// The helper function is used to determine how much information is needed, and which function to send that information to.
// It uses pointers that are returned from these functions to produce the correct ouput.
// There is no implementation needed here, but you should study this function and know how it works.
// It is always helpful to understand how the code works before implementing new features.
// Do not change anything in this function or the test cases will fail.
void helper(char c) {
char* input_genre = (char*)malloc(100);
int valid_genre = -1;
// create new temporary pointers
struct movie *ptr = (struct movie *)malloc(sizeof(struct movie));
struct movie *temp;
// if you are adding a movie or requesting a recommendation
if (c == 'a')
// stores the genre of the movie into pointer
printf("What is the genre of the movie? (action/comedy/thriller):\n");
while (valid_genre < 0)
scanf("%s", input_genre);
if (strcmp(input_genre, "action") == 0)
ptr->type = (genre)0;// type casting
else if (strcmp(input_genre, "comedy") == 0)
ptr->type = (genre)1;
else if (strcmp(input_genre, "thriller") == 0)
ptr->type = (genre)2;
printf("Please enter a valid genre (action/comedy/thriller).\n");// error handling
//stores the name of the movie into pointer
printf("Enter the name of the movie:\n");
fgets(ptr->name, sizeof(ptr->name), stdin);
int input = -1;
//stores the rating of the movie into pointer
while (input < 1 || input > 10)
printf("What is your rating of the movie? (1-10):\n");
scanf("%d", &input);
if (input >= 1 && input <= 10)
ptr->rating = input;
printf("Please enter a rating between 1 and 10.\n");
// always set next equal to NULL before adding to a list so that if it is placed at the end of the list, you know where to stop traversing
ptr->next = NULL;
// added for hw07
ptr->actors = NULL;

// See hw06 for full functionality
void add(struct movie* new_movie)
struct movie* follow = list;
if (list == NULL) // inserting into an empty list
list = new_movie;
else if (list->rating <= new_movie->rating) // inserting at the beginning of the list
new_movie->next = list;
list = new_movie;
struct movie* temp = list->next;
while (temp != NULL) // inserting inbetween 2 nodes in the list
if (temp->rating <= new_movie->rating)
new_movie->next = temp;
follow->next = new_movie;
follow = temp;
temp = temp->next;
follow->next = new_movie; // inserting at the end of the list

// used for hw07
// The helper2 function is used to determine how much information is needed, and which function to send that information to.
// It uses pointers that are returned from these functions to produce the correct ouput.
// There is no implementation needed here, but you should study this function and know how it works.
// It is always helpful to understand how the code works before implementing new features.
// Do not change anything in this function or the test cases will fail.
void helper2(char c)
int index = 0; // used to print an index
int genre = -1;
char* movie_name;
char* actor_name;
movie_name = (char*)malloc(5000 * sizeof(char*));
actor_name = (char*)malloc(5000 * sizeof(char*));
if (c == 'b') // add an actor/actress to a movie
printf("Enter the actor/actress name:\n");
fgets(actor_name, line_size, stdin);
printf("Enter the movie they were they in:\n");
fgets(movie_name, line_size, stdin);
int result = add_actor(movie_name, actor_name);
if (result == 0)
printf("That movie is not in your list, please add that movie first.\n\n");
else if (result == 1)
printf("Actor added.\n\n");
else if (result == -1)
printf("That actor is already listed for that movie.\n\n");
if (c == 'c') // display a list of movies for an actor/actress
printf("Enter the actor/actress name:\n");
fgets(actor_name, line_size, stdin);
struct movie* temp = find_actor(actor_name);
if (temp != NULL)
printf("That actor/actress is in:\n");
else printf("That actor is not in any movies in your list.\n\n", index);
if (c == 'd') // delete all movies
printf("All movies deleted.\n");
if (c == 'e') // display all movies
if (c == 'f') // display a movie by index
printf("Enter an index to print:\n");
while (index < 1)
scanf("%d", &index);
if (index < 1)
printf("Enter an index greater than 0:\n");
struct movie* temp = print_by_index(index);
if (temp != NULL)
struct actor* ptr = temp->actors;
printf("Movie at index %d:\n", index);
printf("Movie: %s", temp->name);
printf("Rating: %d\n", temp->rating);
printf("Genre: %s\n", gen[temp->type]);
printf("Actor/Actress: ");
if (ptr == NULL)
printf("no actor/actress listed.\n\n");
while (ptr != NULL)
printf("%s", ptr->name);
ptr = ptr->next;
else printf("There is no movie at index %d.\n\n", index);
if (c == 'g') // display a list of movies by genre
printf("Select a genre to display\n0. action\n1. comedy\n2. thriller\n");
while (genre < 0 || genre > 2)
scanf("%d", &genre); // enter an integer only
if (genre < 0 || genre > 2)
printf("Select a valid option:\n");
struct movie* temp = print_by_genre(genre);
if (temp != NULL)
printf("%s movies:\n", gen[genre]);
else printf("There are no %s movies in the list.\n\n", gen[genre]);

// print_helper prints movie information from the parameter "moviesToPrint" in an organized format
// If moviesToPrint is NULL, it prints, "Your list is empty!"
// print_all and print_by_genre (which is to be implemented) use this function to print a desired list of movies
void print_helper(struct movie* moviesToPrint)
struct actor* ptr;
if (moviesToPrint == NULL)
printf("Your list is empty!\n");
while (moviesToPrint != NULL) // traverse list of movies
ptr = moviesToPrint->actors;
printf("Movie: %s", moviesToPrint->name);
printf("Rating: %d\n", moviesToPrint->rating);
printf("Genre: %s\n", gen[moviesToPrint->type]);
printf("Actor/Actress: ");
if (ptr == NULL)
printf("no actor/actress listed.\n\n");
while (ptr != NULL) // traverse list of actors
printf("%s", ptr->name);
ptr = ptr->next;
moviesToPrint = moviesToPrint->next;

// print_all simply returns the parameter that it is given to print all of the movies' information in the parameter.
struct movie* print_all(struct movie* movies)
return movies;

// Q1 delete_all (5)
// Recursively delete the entire list of movies. The parameter movies is a pointer to your list.
// You MUST use recursion, or you will recieve a 0 for this part. You must must use comments to indicate the steps of the fantastic four step approach.
// (hint: don't forget to set your list back to NULL)
void delete_all(struct movie* movies)
// add your code
if(movies == NULL) //base condition
list = NULL;

// Q2 print_by_index (5)
// Traverse your list and return a pointer to a movie in your list at the idex of the given parameter.
// For example, if the index = 1, then you would return the first movie in the list. (At the head, and also, the highest rated movie).
// If the list does not contain the amount that is given by the index, return NULL.
// For exmample, if you have a list of 1 movie, and index = 2, return NULL.
struct movie* print_by_index(int index)
// add your code
int i = 1;
struct movie *m = list;
for(i = 1; i < index && m != NULL; i++)
m = m->next;
return m;

// Q3 print_by_genre (10)
// Traverse your list and return a new list filled with movies that are of the type given by the integer type parameter.
// Use type-casting to compare the integer value to the genre value associated with each pointer in the list. (see the helper() function for an example)
// The movies in the returned list should contain all of the information available for that movie (ex: name, rating, actors, etc.)
// The list of movies that you return should be in order of rating from highest to lowest (the head should be the highest rated movie.)
// (Keep in mind that your "list" is already sorted by rating!)
// If no movies in your list are of the genre type given by your parameter "type", then return NULL
struct movie* print_by_genre(int type)
// add your code
struct movie* list2 = NULL;
struct movie* curr = list;
struct movie* last = NULL;
while(curr != NULL)
if((int)curr->type == type)
if(list2 == NULL) //if list is not yet created
list2 = last = (struct movie *) malloc(sizeof(struct movie));
last->next = (struct movie *) malloc(sizeof(struct movie));
last = last->next;
//copy over the contents from curr
*last = *curr;
last->next = NULL;
curr = curr->next;
return list2;

// Q4 add_actor (15)
// Traverse your list to find a movie in your list with the name that matches the parameter "movie_name"
// Then, add the actor/actress to linked list of "actors" in your linked list of "movies"
// The list of actor/actress should be in alphabetical order. Do this by using the strcmp() method
// For an example of how to access and modify actor information, refer to the helper2 and print_helper functions
// For example: If John Cena is already in your list of actor/actress, and you add the actor Jon Cena, the list would print as:

// Actor/Actress:
// John Cena
// Jon Cena

// If the movie is in the list, add the actor/actress to the actor/actress list, and return 1
// If the movie is not in the list, return 0
// Do not add duplicate actor/actress. If John Cena is already in your list of actor/actress, and actor_name == John Cena, return -1;
// NOTE : You can assume that no 2 movies in the list will have the same name
int add_actor(char* movie_name, char* actor_name)
// add your code
struct movie* m = list;
struct actor* prev;
struct actor* curr;
struct actor* a;
//locate the movie
while(m != NULL)
if(strcmp(m->name, movie_name) == 0)
m = m->next;
if(m == NULL) // not in list
return 0;
prev = NULL;
curr = m->actors;
//locate the corrct place to add actor
while(curr != NULL)
if(strcmp(actor_name, curr->name) == 0)//duplicate
return -1;
else if(strcmp(actor_name, curr->name) < 0)
prev = curr;
curr = curr->next;
a = (struct actor*)malloc(sizeof(struct actor));
strcpy(a->name, actor_name);
if(prev == NULL) //actor should come in beginning of list
a->next = m->actors;
m->actors = a;
else //somewhere in between/end
a->next = curr;
prev->next = a;
return 1;

// Q5 find_actor (15)
// Traverse your list and return a new list filled with movies that include the actor name given by the parameter actor_name
// The movies in the returned list should contain all of the information available for that movie (ex: name, rating, other actors, etc.)
// The list of movies that you return should be in order of rating from highest to lowest (the head should be the highest rated movie.)
// (Keep in mind that your "list" is already sorted by rating!)
// If no movies in your list contain the actor name given by the parameter actor_name, then return NULL
// (hint: this is similar to your print_by_genre function)
struct movie* find_actor(char* actor_name)
// add your code
struct movie* list2 = NULL;
struct movie* curr = list;
struct movie* last = NULL;
struct actor* a;
int present;
while(curr != NULL)
present = 0;
a = curr->actors;
while(a != NULL)
if(strcmp(a->name, actor_name) == 0)
present = 1;
a = a->next;
if(list2 == NULL)
list2 = last = (struct movie *) malloc(sizeof(struct movie));
last->next = (struct movie *) malloc(sizeof(struct movie));
last = last->next;
//copy the contents from curr
*last = *curr;
last->next = NULL;
curr = curr->next;
return list2;


Welcome to the movie manager!
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
What is the genre of the movie? (action/comedy/thriller):
Enter the name of the movie:
What is your rating of the movie? (1-10):
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
What is the genre of the movie? (action/comedy/thriller):
Enter the name of the movie:
What is your rating of the movie? (1-10):
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
What is the genre of the movie? (action/comedy/thriller):
Enter the name of the movie:
What is your rating of the movie? (1-10):
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
What is the genre of the movie? (action/comedy/thriller):
Enter the name of the movie:
What is your rating of the movie? (1-10):
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
Movie: movie4
Rating: 8
Genre: comedy
Actor/Actress: no actor/actress listed.
Movie: movie3
Rating: 6
Genre: action
Actor/Actress: no actor/actress listed.
Movie: movie1
Rating: 6
Genre: comedy
Actor/Actress: no actor/actress listed.
Movie: movie2
Rating: 3
Genre: thriller
Actor/Actress: no actor/actress listed.
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
Enter the actor/actress name:
Enter the movie they were they in:
Actor added.
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
Enter the actor/actress name:
Enter the movie they were they in:
Actor added.
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
Movie: movie4
Rating: 8
Genre: comedy
Actor/Actress: no actor/actress listed.
Movie: movie3
Rating: 6
Genre: action
Movie: movie1
Rating: 6
Genre: comedy
Actor/Actress: no actor/actress listed.
Movie: movie2
Rating: 3
Genre: thriller
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
Enter the actor/actress name:
Enter the movie they were they in:
Actor added.
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
Movie: movie4
Rating: 8
Genre: comedy
Actor/Actress: no actor/actress listed.
Movie: movie3
Rating: 6
Genre: action
Movie: movie1
Rating: 6
Genre: comedy
Actor/Actress: no actor/actress listed.
Movie: movie2
Rating: 3
Genre: thriller
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
Enter the actor/actress name:
Enter the movie they were they in:
Actor added.
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
Movie: movie4
Rating: 8
Genre: comedy
Actor/Actress: no actor/actress listed.
Movie: movie3
Rating: 6
Genre: action
Movie: movie1
Rating: 6
Genre: comedy
Movie: movie2
Rating: 3
Genre: thriller
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
Enter the actor/actress name:
That actor/actress is in:
Movie: movie1
Rating: 6
Genre: comedy
Movie: movie2
Rating: 3
Genre: thriller
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
Enter an index to print:
Movie at index 2:
Movie: movie3
Rating: 6
Genre: action
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
Enter an index to print:
There is no movie at index 10.
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
Select a genre to display
0. action
1. comedy
2. thriller
comedy movies:
Movie: movie4
Rating: 8
Genre: comedy
Actor/Actress: no actor/actress listed.
Movie: movie1
Rating: 6
Genre: comedy
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit
Enter the actor/actress name:
That actor is not in any movies in your list.
Please enter your selection
a: add a movie
b: add an actor/actress to a movie
c: display a list of movies for an actor/actress
d: delete all movies
e: display all movies
f: display a movie by index
g: display a list of movies by genre
q: quit

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