At a certain temperature, 0.700 mol of SOs is placed in a 2.00-L container. 2502(g) +...
At a certain temperature, 0.720 mol SO, is placed in a 2.00 L container. 2 S03 (g) = 2 802(g) + O2(g) At equilibrium, 0.140 mol O, is present. Calculate Kc. Kc = .02117
At a certain temperature, 0.700 mol Soz is placed in a 3.50 L container. 2 503(g) = 2 SO, (g) + O2(g) At equilibrium, 0.120 mol O, is present. Calculate Kc. Кс
At a certain temperature, 0.680 mol SO2 is placed in a 4.50 L container. 2503(g) = 2502(8) + O2(8) At equilibrium, 0.110 mol O, is present. Calculate Kc. K=
At a certain temperature, 0.740 mol SO, is placed in a 5.00 L container. 2 SO3(g) = 2502(g) + O2(g) At equilibrium, 0.180 mol 0, is present. Calculate K. Ko
At a certain temperature, 0.720 mol of SO3 is placed in a 2.00-L container. 2SO3(g) <=> 2SO2(g) + O2(g) At equilibrium, 0.100 mol of O2 is present. Calculate Kc
At a certain temperature, 0.840 mol of SO3 is placed in a 1.50-L container. At eqibrium, 0.140 mol of O2 is present. Calculate Kc Number K= At a certain temperature, 0.840 mol of SO3 is placed in a 1.50-L container. At eqibrium, 0.140 mol of O2 is present. Calculate Kc Number K=
At a certain temperature, 0.860 mol of SOa is placed in a 2.00-L container. 2SO sole) + о, At equilibrium, 0.110 mol of O2 is present. Calculate Ko Number
At a certain temperature, 0.680 mol of SO3 is placed in a 2.00-L container. At equilibrium, 0.120 mol of O2 is present. Calculate Kc.
At a certain temperature, 0.940 mol SO, is placed in a 4.50 L container. 2SO3() = 2 802(g) + O2(g) At equilibrium, 0.140 mol O, is present. Calculate Kc. Ke =
At a certain temperature, 0.640 mol of SO3 is placed in a 4.00-L container. 근 sole) sole) + ole) At equilibrium, 0.140 mol of O2 is present. Calculate Kc Number