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5. Consider a particle in the first excited state ofa rigid box of length a. (a) Find the probability density (b) where is the particle most likely to be found? 6. Determine the wavelength of the photon emitted when an electron in a hydrogen atom makes transition from the 5 excited state to the following states (a) ground state (b) 1 excited states (c) 2 excited state Determine whether the emission is visible, uv or infrared light. 7. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of 0.05 eV (thermal) neutrons 8. If we wish to observe an object which is 0.25 nm in size, what is the minimum-energy photon that can be used? A 0.083 eV neutron beam scatters from an unknown sample and a Brag reflection peak is observed centered at 220. What is the Bragg plane spacing? 10. Write an essay on resonance 9. phenomena. Give two examples of resonance phenomena and equations that describe them
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Answer #1

sorry friend,according to HOMEWORKLIB RULES,I have to given to first question,that is fifth question answer.  

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Answer all questions please 5. Consider a particle in the first excited state ofa rigid box...
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