
Modify the mycat.c program to write to stderr the number of bytes that were read from stdin each time. You may use cLion insi


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I am getting error in err_sys function , so I just replaced that with perror and executed the program.. If your program compiles fine with err_sys then just use that along wth my modification to write to STDERR as below





#define BUFFSIZE 4096

int main()


  int n;

  char buf[BUFFSIZE];

  while( (n = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf,BUFFSIZE))>0)



      perror("Write error");

    //write to stderr




  if( n < 0)

    perror("read error");





 ./main
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Hello World!
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OPERATING SYSTEM... C , LINUX Modify the mycat.c program to write to stderr the number of...
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