I need help in Python.
This is a two step problem
So I have the code down, but I am missing some requirements that I am stuck on. Also, I need help verifying the problem is correct.:)
7. Random Number File Writer
Write a program that writes a series of random numbers to a file. Each random number
should be in the range of 1 through 500. The application should let the user specify how
many random numbers the file will hold.
* Make sure your program starts and is driven from a
main() function.
* The name of the file generated should be numbers.txt
* Your program should have at least one additional function that
you write and use.
This is my code for the first one I need help for the second problem:
# import the random module
import random
def main():
Function that opens the file and calls another function for writing
data to it and then closes the file
# open a file for writing and assign it to the variable
# this will reference the file object
random_numbers = open('numbers.txt', 'w')
# get the number of random numbers to be generated
qty_numbers = int(input('Input how many random numbers should be
written to the file: '))
#Writing random numbers to file
writeRandomNumbers(random_numbers, qty_numbers);
# close the file
def writeRandomNumbers(random_numbers, qty_numbers):
Function that generates user specified number of random numbers and
writes to file
print('Your list of random numbers are: ')
# create a loop to generate the random numbers in the quantity
for count in range (qty_numbers):
number = random.randint(1,500)
# print the list of random numbers
#convert the numbers
random_numbers.write(str(number)+ '\n')
# tell the user
print('Your list of random numbers have been written to the file
named numbers.txt');
# call the main function
This is the one my struggling with the extra requirements and need help verifying it's correct :)
8. Random Number File Reader
This exercise assumes you have completed Programming Exercise 7, Random Number File
Writer. Write another program that reads the random numbers from the file, display the
numbers, and then display the following data:
• The total of the numbers
• The number of random numbers read from the file
*Make sure to use exception handling to check for the
existence of the file.
* Make sure your program starts and is driven from a main()
* Your program should use the same numbers.txt file from the
previous problem.
* Your program should have at least one additional function that
you write and use.
This is my code for the second one:
def main():
random_numbers = open('numbers.txt', 'r')
number = 0
total = 0
print("List of numbers:")
for line in random_numbers.readlines():
total = total+int(line)
number +=1
print("The total of the numbers = "+str(total))
print("The number of the random numbers read from the file =
print('Please hit enter to continue...')
We need at least 10 more requests to produce the answer.
0 / 10 have requested this problem solution
The more requests, the faster the answer.
I need help in Python. This is a two step problem So I have the code...
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Please use Python for this program Random Number File Writer Write a program that writes a series of random numbers to a file. Each random number should be in the range 1 through 500. The program should let the user specify how many random numbers to put into the file. The name of the file to write to should be 'random.txt'. Submit the random.txt file generated by your program with the assignment. Sample program execution: Python 3.4.3 Shell Eile Edit...
Write a program that writes a series of random numbers to a file. Each random number should be in the range of 1 through 500 inclusive. 1.Use a file called randoms.txt as a input file and output file a. If you go to open the file and its not there then ask the user to create the file and then quit 2. Ask the user to specify how many random numbers the file will hold. a.Make sure that the...
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Python Programming 4th Edition: Need help writing this program below. I get an error message that says that name is not defined when running the program below. My solution: def main(): filename = "text.txt" contents=f.read() upper_count=0 lower_count=0 digit_count=0 space_count=0 for i in contents: if i.isupper(): upper_count+=1 elif i.islower(): lower_count+=1 elif i.isdigit(): digit_count+=1 elif i.isspace(): space_count+=1 print("Upper case count in the file is",upper_count) print("Lower case count in the file is",lower_count) print("Digit count in the file is",digit_count) print("Space_count in the file is",space_count)...