
Refer to Resource R3, Frequently Asked Questions about Climate Change. Read pages 5 and 6. View the graph on page 6 entitled “Separating Human and Natural Influences on Climate.” Study the line graph of observed average global temperatures from 1900 to 2000. Write two sentences interpreting the data displayed in this graph for “Natural Factors Only” compared to “Natural and Human Factors.” In the first sentence, summarize the temperature movement during this time period. In the second sentence, make a prediction about temperature change during the next 100 years


How do we know humans are causing climate change? Climate scientists have concluded that humans are largely responsible for t

Scientists have known since the 1800s that greenhouse gases trap heat, preventing it from escaping to space. The warming effe

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Answer #1

As we have seen in the line graph Shown below:


The CO Emission has increased within last few centuries, Which have lead to increase in temperatures. Over the last five decades, natural factors (solar forcing and volcanoes) have alone led to increase in CO2 as shown in fig-1, But in few 100 years the global temperature had been increased from 56.5oF to 58oF as shown in fig-1. the important factor of increasing Global Temperature is the effects of human influ­ences, especially the emissions from burning fossil fuels and from deforestation as shown in fig-2.


So, two sentences interpreting the data displayed in this graph for “Natural Factors Only” compared to “Natural and Human Factors.” are-

1. The Global Temperature of the earth has been increased by 1.5oF due to the Irresponsible activities of human (such as burning fossil fuels and from deforestation) within last few 100 years from 1900-2000.

2. if the human carries on their Irresponsible activities then the global temperature of the earth will be increased, Which will lead to the dead of living being.

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