Note: Respond To All Questions That Are Highlighted
From Part A To B
A Write a...
A Write a short paragraph for observation B. Write a short paragraph for conclusion Volume: 0.2ml. Refractive Index: 1.386, initial temperature of purified hydrocarbon: 20°C, final temperature of purified hydrocarbon: 26°C, empty vial: 6.251g, vial-liquid: 6.392g, boing point 98°C, atmosphere point: 750 torr Unknown: Letter- D. Identity- heptande Density (6392-6.251)g Density- 0.71g ml Corrected boiling point I Corrected boiling point-0.37°C Corrected Refractive Index 0.00045(6°C-20.0°C) Corrected Refractive Indes- 0.0063 0.2ml .0 10(760torr-750torr)X273.1K+98°C)