
C++ (1) Write a program to prompt the user for an input and output file name....

C++ (1) Write a program to prompt the user for an input and output file name. The program should check for errors in opening the files, and print the name of any file which has an error, and exit if an error occurs. For example, (user input shown in caps in first line, and in second case, trying to write to a folder which you may not have write authority in) Enter input filename: DOESNOTEXIST.T Error opening input file: DOESNOTEXIST.T Enter input filename: SOURCE.CPP Enter output filename: .. Error opening output file: .. (2) It should copy the input file, line by line, to the output file and to standard output so you can see it working (3) Before the program exits, it should close all files. (4) You will have to manually look at the output file to confirm the program ran correctly. A sample input file is listed below for your testing, or you may use source.cpp as your input to see your code copied to the output file. If you use our sample file, copy/paste the text into a new .txt file in the same folder as your source.cpp file, or your program won't be able to find it. For example, (based on the input file we provide you, with user input shown in caps) Enter input filename: FB.TXT Enter output filename: O.TXT File text: Copy this text file, exactly, line by line, without losing any words or whitespace. Sample input file "FB.TXT" which generated the above output: Copy this text file, exactly, line by line, without losing any words or whitespace.

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Answer #1

using namespace std;
/*The C++ Program which reads the file content line by line
and copying into another file*/
int main()
   /*The varibales used are declaring below
   inputstearm stream object to read the file content
   outputstream is the stream object to write the output file
   ch is an character array to store the line read from input file and
   writing into output file
   input is an char array to store the input file name
   output is the char array to storw the output file name
   ifstream inputstream;
   ofstream outputstream;
   char ch[70], input[20], output[20];
   //Reading input file name
   cout<<"\nEnter input filename: ";
   //File is is opening to read;
   //Checking for is the file opened successfully
   {//The file is not opened successfully
   //Displaying the error msg to user and terminating the program
       cout<<"\nError opening input file: DOESNOTEXIST.";
   //Reading the output file name from user
   cout<<"\nEnter output filename: ";
   //File opening to write the content of input file;
   //   //Checking for is the file opened successfully
   {//The file is not opened successfully
   //Displaying the error msg to user and terminating the program
       cout<<"\nError opening output file: .";
       //the input file stream is closing since error file opeing the output file stream
   //Both the files opens successfully
   //hence copying the content of input file to output file
   //Looping condition checking for eof file
   //loop iterate until the end of file reached
   //reading line by line and writing it into
   //output file
   //After reading the file all stream object is closing
   cout<<"File copied successfully..!!";

input file


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C++ (1) Write a program to prompt the user for an input and output file name....
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