
I have an Assignment of Marketing Research on Climate Change. Where i have to take an...

I have an Assignment of Marketing Research on Climate Change. Where i have to take an interview of an industry professional, which is done. I have all answer what he said, now i just need to analysis all answer into sub category which are as follow: -

1. Level of Concern of Professionals

2. Impacts on Industry

3. Awareness of Millennials' Knowledge

4. Attitudes Among Millennials

If you think any other category could be included please add it. i have wrote down all questions and answers below. please have a look. and please help me with this assignment. you can just analysis all answer into this category. please help me with this.

Industry professional: -

  1. How has climate changed in the past? And why?

There has really been a change in the climate. I am working in the Statoil Company in Norway for the last 10 years and I have seen the climate changing. In the past there were periods of extreme temperature rise followed by an Ice Age. These were due to Milankovich cycles, which occur once in 112000 years. This brought about change in earth's tilt, rotation and precession over time. Since the industrial era, the change is different from the primitive climatic condition. Earlier we used to have distinct seasons, but now they seem to be shifting. I remember my village had specific sowing and reaping season of crops. The farmers used to eagerly wait for the rainfall during rainy season to help in the germination process. The price was also less. However, I see so much of uneven precipitation distribution. It is not raining during rainy season; rainfall is taking place during winters or after the rainy season. Moreover, we are experiencing extreme weather events like extreme heat waves during and cold waves during winters. The tropical cyclones are also so prevalent nowadays and so bring with them so much of destruction.

Well I do not really want to accept this, but it is solely due to us humans. We have destroyed and relentlessly exploited our mother nature. The nature's fury is what we are seeing through climate change. The industries use fossil fuels, which quite cheap and thus the result is carbon emissions. One more is increase in population, since with increasing population, the per capita increase in emission is also increasing, thus enhancing the overall ecological footprint to a great extent.

  1. What impact do you think climate change will have in the future and how do you think we can minimize this impact?

If nothing is done now, then we are going to become extinct. This could prove to be the 6th mass extinction, although the scientists are saying that 6th mass extinction is going on. If the emissions are not controlled, then the weather is going to get worse. Already I am reading in newspapers that the Arctic and Greenland glaciers are melting. I wonder what havoc it is going to create in the world. I have heard that the ocean temperature and density difference lead to distribution of heat globally. I recently read in a magazine that the Atlantic current is slowing down which meant a profound impact on our climate. Things are not going to get good rather worse. There are spread of various epidemics, the recent one being the Corona virus outbreak. These things are going out of control and if we are not aware then we are going to have a dreadful life ahead.

We should do everything possible to save the earth. This is because it not any option anymore. We have to save energy and natural resources as individuals and shift to alternative energy sources.

  1. What adaptation measures can be taken to cope with climate change?

You know adaptation is not a complete solution to the problem of climate change. It could only reduce some effects but will never wipe out the problem from its roots. We can use drought resistant seeds to stop crop failure due to extreme heat waves and scarcity of precipitation. The coastal areas could be rebuilt to prevent further erosion and inundation. It is like adopting building codes while renovating or building new construction in future. However, prior to this risk assessment is very crucial and may be a hazard zoning map which would also include an anticipated sea level rise. The level of levees and dykes should be increased to prevent them from failing and preventing the flooding to affect the land. I once visited the Southern India during my childhood and the beaches were so clean and astonishing. I visited the beaches recently, about a year ago. I found a surprise reduction in beach area. On asking the locals they said that the sea is eating away the land. So, this is one thing which should be given utmost importance to. Beaches help in reducing the impact of flood and gushing winds during cyclones. I have heard people saying that building walls will help to prevent the beach erosion, I do not think so, and rather it is reducing the beach area.

  1. Where do you see the world in the next five years if the younger generation doesn’t start taking climate change more seriously?

I wonder what the youngsters will face in future. The wrath and fury of nature is getting extreme day by day. In the next five years there will be further increase in temperature. It is now that it is getting difficult to move out of our home during the summer. Temperature above 40oC has become normal in most of the places. However, this needs to stop somewhere else in the next 5 years, the temperature increase could and decrease during summer and winter months will kill more people around the world. In fact, these changing climates are also leading to our change in lifestyle. This is because, in our times, having air conditioner was a luxury, now it is turning into a necessity. So, if the younger generation do not take steps now, they might have to lead a life taking oxygen makes outside their home.

  1. Do you feel like your industry could take better measures to implement more environmentally friendly approaches?

Well we have incorporated carbon dioxide sequestration in our industry. It takes up the released carbon dioxide from the flue gas emitted by the industry (instead of releasing it, it is passed through amine and separated). This carbon dioxide is then liquefied under high pressure and injected into the Utsira formation of the North Sea in Norway. It has been under operation since 1996. It helps in reducing the carbon emissions significantly. As of now I think it is the best possible solution. However, the scenario could be better if it works well, then we could collaborate with the industries in the state to store their carbon dioxide in our reservoir any other reservoir in the state.

  1. Since you started working in this field, what has been the most significant change you’ve seen that has affected our carbon footprint?

As of now we plant trees every year. We cannot really restore the land destroyed by us to build up the industry; however, we can at least work unitedly to give Mother Nature back something of which we took. So, it is a mandate once every tree to plant a tree by volunteers every year. You will be surprised to that there is significant increase in volunteers every year. We have done simulation studies and anticipated that the formation we have chosen is capable of storing about 600 million tons of CO2 which is huge. Since 1996 we have stored about 15.5 million tons of CO2 and it is still under operation. There has been no leakage of CO2 and us monitoring the CO2 moving in the formation regularly. Indeed, it has contributed to reduction in carbon footprint in Norway. However, it has to be adopted by every other country to bring about a significant change.

  1. What steps government should take to save climate?

It is duty of the Government to make carbon dioxide sequestration compulsory in every country and provide credits in the form of either incentives or partial tax redemption. It will help to bring about an evident change. Funding should be provided from different countries to execute this, sine this requires high end technology and lot of investments. Warning systems for drought or flooding should be made to warn people. Water shed management should be made everywhere. The Government should encourage people to adopt renewable energy resources everywhere; it will reduce the carbon footprint significantly.

  1. Do you think millennials are aware enough to the Solve the climate change problem?

Well yes, the millennial are well aware of the problem of climate change. The biggest example is Greta Thunberg from Stockholm, who is just 17 years is challenging the countries to take measures to stop climate change. At least the basic thing is to protect the trees and plants from deforestation and encouraging planting trees. I do not think that the millennial is not aware of this. They can easily reduce their carbon footprints at their home and encourage others as well. The millennial is more proactive than us so they can easily bring about a change if they want.

  1. What factors do you believe have been responsible for the increase in climate change?

The biggest precursors to climate change are deforestation and increase in greenhouse gases especially carbon dioxide. Plants are one of the biggest sinks of carbon dioxide which are undergoing depletion, whereas the sources of carbon dioxide are increasing at a very fast pace. If the sources are increasing and sinks are decreases, definitely there will be an imbalance in the carbon cycle.

  1. How do you see Millennials regarding climate change? (i.e.: knowledge, attitudes, and willingness to make changes to reduce climate change)

Well I cannot say much about their contribution, but I have no doubt about their knowledge. The way they use electronic gadgets and the ease with which they manipulate them and work with them, they are well aware of the climate change, their consequences. However, if a 17-year-old girl, Greta Thunberg has the courage to speak up for the climate change than any other person can definitely do. I am sure she will encourage people to be like her. In fact, I have seen in the local markets, kids are refusing plastic carry bags, I was quite happy to see that. So, they are well acknowledged about the problem, but they have to just bring out that thing in their action. They are very much willing to bring a change.

  1. Are there any suggestions that Millennials can take action to reduce their carbon footprint?

Ans. 11. The Millennial should be outspoken regarding use of plastics, using organic food, consuming less meat. They should start to shift to renewable energy sources for their homes. They should adopt vermicompost at their homes, which will encourage others. They could opt for different campaigns, street plays, programs to spread awareness. It is a known problem, but they need that courage and encouragement of course to take their willingness into action. I guess Greta Thunberg's speech is sufficient to motivate all.

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Answer #1

I think u make your assignment very well and your sub categories are

1 level of concern of professionals

2. Impact on industry

3 awareness of millennials' knowledge

4 attitude among Millennials

So ur sub category included is good for assignment bt still i want to include one more question in your question answer's list that is below here

So question is what part of your life contributes the most of your carbon footprint?

If this question you include in your assignment so it will be better for your assignment now it's all depends on you that you include or not.

So Good luck for you.

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