SURGEON: Loren White, M.D.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Facial acne scarring.
PROCEDURE(S) PERFORMED: CO2 laser resurfacing of the cheeks and perioral region.
HISTORY: Erin is a 36-year-old white female who presents for evaluation and treatment of facial acne scarring. Preoperatively, we discussed the procedure in vast detail. She has undergone her preoperative skin care regimen including retin-A and hydroquinone. She is ready for facial resurfacing.
PROCEDURE: Erin was brought to the operating room and after general anesthetic was administered her face was draped with moist sterile towels and her eyes were protected with special laser eye goggles overlying moist gauze. Using the Sharplin SilkTouch laser, the skin was resurfaced with 2 passes. The first pass stayed within the cheek and perioral aesthetic. The second pass focused particularly on the perioral area and the medial cheeks with feathering into the lateral cheek regions. The skin had excellent skin response with a final shammy color and obvious skin tightening. Dressings consisting of Aquacel of the cheeks and Vaseline of the perioral region were placed. She was discharged to recovery in stable condition.
ICD 10, CPT, HCPCS needed
CO2 laser resurfacing of the cheeks and perioral region. - CPT - 15780
Facial acne scarring. - ICD - L70.9
Loren White, M.D. PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Mass, right axilla, history of breast cancer. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Same. OPERATION PERFORMED: Biopsy of mass, right axilla. PRELIMINARY NOTE: This patient had a mastectomy six years ago and had positive nodes at that time. Recently, she presented with a fixed mass in the right axilla, and after a good deal of discussion, she decided to have a biopsy done. We did a true cut needle biopsy and obtained a diagnosis of metastatic cancer. The patient...
LOCATION: Outpatient, Hospital PATIENT: Kaitlyn Carlton SURGEON: Loren White, M.D. ANESTHESIA: CRNA is Karen Demers PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Epiphora, both eyes Nasolacrimal duct obstruction, both eyes POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Same. PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Nasolacrimal duct probing, both eyes ANESTHESIA: General INDICATIONS: This healthy 3-year-old toddler was referred after an allergy workup to investigate her chronic otitis media, PE tubes times two, and the chronic epiphora that she has had in both eyes. The mother was counselled as to the success of probing at...
LOCATION: Inpatient, Hospital PATIENT: Charlene Tipton SURGEON: Loren White, M.D. PRE/POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Right breast mass. PROCEDURE(S) PERFORMED: Right breast open biopsy. ANESTHESIA: General endotracheal. INDICATIONS: Charlene is a 66-year-old female who presented with a palpable right breast mass. A biopsy was done which showed atypical cells and was felt to be suspicious for cancer. She also had a highly suspicious lesion on ultrasound in the same area. An open biopsy was recommended. Possible definitive treatment with simple mastectomy was also...