
Implement a program that: reads a number of personal records (for example, using PERSON struct from...

Implement a program that:

  • reads a number of personal records (for example, using PERSON struct from the earlier lab) from the standard input,
  • creates a database of personal records,
  • allows for adding new entries to the database,
  • allows for deleting entries from the database,
  • includes functions to acquire a record of personal data, and
  • includes functions to display (print) a single selected record from the database, and
  • also allows for printing all records in the database.


  • if name is longer than 40 characters it should be truncated,
  • duplicates are allowed,
  • when removing entry, remove the first found.

The database application must be implemented using the linked list functions provided in list.c and the accompanying list.h.There are several functions that need to be completed in the list package.

All functions related to the operations on the database must be in the file person.c. There is the companion file person.h for keeping the data structures and function declarations.

A test driver is implemented in the main.c.

You must not modify any of the code. Instead, add the code that implements the missing functionality as indicated by the TODO comments.

#include "list.h"

void add(LIST **head, LIST **tail, void *data)
    if (*tail == NULL)
        *head = *tail = (LIST *) malloc(sizeof(LIST));
        (*head)->data = data;
        (*head)->next = NULL;
    } else
        (*tail)->next = (LIST *) malloc(sizeof(LIST));
        *tail = (*tail)->next;
        (*tail)->data = data;
        (*tail)->next = NULL;

void clearIteratively(LIST **head, LIST **tail)
    if (*head == NULL)

    LIST *currNode = *head;
    LIST *nextNode = NULL;
        nextNode = currNode->next;

        if (currNode->data != NULL)


        currNode = nextNode;

    } while (currNode != NULL);

    *head = NULL;
    *tail = NULL;

void clearRecursively(LIST **currNode, LIST **tail)
    if (*currNode == NULL)

    LIST *nextNode;
    // TODO Complete this function

    clearRecursively(&nextNode, tail);

    *currNode = NULL;
    *tail = NULL;

void delete(LIST **head, LIST **tail, void *data)
    if (*head == NULL)

    if (data == NULL)

    if ((*head)->data == data)
        LIST *newHead = (*head)->next;
        *head = newHead;

        if (*head == NULL)
            *tail = NULL;


    LIST *prevNode, *currNode;

    prevNode = (*head);
    currNode = (*head)->next;
    while (currNode != NULL)
        // TODO Complete this function
#ifndef LIST_H_
#define LIST_H_

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct list
    void *data;
    struct list *next;

void add(LIST **head, LIST **tail, void *data);
void clearIteratively(LIST **head, LIST **tail);
void clearRecursively(LIST **head, LIST **tail);
void delete(LIST **head, LIST **tail, void *data);

#endif /* LIST_H_ */
#include "person.h"

LIST *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;

void inputPersonalData(PERSON *person)
    // TODO Implement the function

void addPersonalDataToDatabase(PERSON *person)
    // TODO Implement the function

void displayDatabase()
    // TODO Implement the function

void displayPerson(PERSON *person)
    // TODO Implement the function

PERSON *findPersonInDatabase(char *name)
    // TODO Implement the function

    return NULL; // if not found

void removePersonFromDatabase(char *name)
    // TODO Implement the function

void clearDatabase()
    // TODO Implement the function
#ifndef PERSON_H_
#define PERSON_H_

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "list.h"

typedef char NAME[41];

typedef struct date
   int month;
   int day;
   int year;

typedef struct person
   NAME name;
   int age;
   float height;
   DATE bday;

void inputPersonalData(PERSON *person);
void addPersonalDataToDatabase(PERSON *person);
void displayDatabase();
void clearDatabase();
void displayPerson(PERSON *person);
PERSON *findPersonInDatabase(char *name);
void removePersonFromDatabase(char *name);

#endif /* PERSON_H_ */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "person.h"

#define DEF_NUM    1

int main(void)
    PERSON *person;

    int num;
    puts("Enter the initial number of records:");
    if (scanf("%d", &num) < 1)
        num = DEF_NUM;

    while (num-- > 0)
        person = (PERSON *) malloc(sizeof(PERSON));


    puts("\n--> Searching database for Maya");
    PERSON *maya = findPersonInDatabase("Maya");
    if (maya == NULL)
        puts("Maya not found");
        puts("\n--> Removing Maya from database");

// added to test finding and removing the last element
    puts("\n--> Searching database for Frank");
    PERSON *frank = findPersonInDatabase("Frank");
    if (frank == NULL)
        puts("Frank not found");
        puts("\n--> Removing Frank from database");

    puts("\n--> Removing Miro from database");


    puts("\n--> Adding new record to database");
    person = (PERSON *) malloc(sizeof(PERSON));


    puts("\n--> Clearing database");


    puts("\n--> Adding new record to database");
    person = (PERSON *) malloc(sizeof(PERSON));


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struct person{
   char firstname[30];
   char lastname[30];

struct node{
   struct person data;
   struct node *next;

struct node *insertItem(struct node *list, struct person p);
struct node *removeItem(struct node *list, struct person p);
void print(struct node *list);


#include <stdio.h>
#include "list2.h"

struct node *insertitem(struct node *list, struct person p){

   struct node *q = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
   q->next = NULL;
   strcpy(q->data.firstname, p.firstname);
   strcpy(q->data.lastname, p.lastname);
   if (list == NULL)
      list = q;
   else {
       struct node *p = list;
       while(p->next != NULL)
           p = p->next;
       p->next = q;
   return list;  

struct node *removeitem(struct node *list, struct person s){

   int found = 0;
   if (list == NULL){
      printf("List is empty\n");
      return list;
   else {
       struct node *p = list;
       if (strcmp(p->data.firstname, s.firstname) == 0 && strcmp(p->data.lastname, s.lastname) == 0){
          found = 1;
          list = list->next;
       else {
           struct node *q = p;
           p = p->next;
           while (p!= NULL && strcmp(p->data.firstname, s.firstname) != 0 && strcmp(p->data.lastname, s.lastname) != 0){
                p= p->next;
           if (p!= NULL){
               q->next = p->next;
               found = 1;

   if (found == 0)
      printf("Not found\n");
   return list;

void print(struct node *list){
     struct node *p = list;
     while (p!= NULL){
         printf("%s%s\n",p->data.firstname, p->data.lastname);
         p = p->next;



#include "list2.h"

struct personaldb{
    struct node *list;

void addperson(struct personaldb *pdb, struct person p);
void removeperson(struct personaldb *pdb,struct person p);
void printdb(struct personaldb *pdb);


#include "personal.h"

void addperson(struct personaldb *pdb, struct person p){
    pdb->list = (struct node *)insertitem(pdb->list,p);

void removeperson(struct personaldb *pdb, struct person p){
    pdb->list = (struct node *)removeitem(pdb->list,p);

void printdb(struct personaldb *pdb){


#include "personal.h"

int main(){

   FILE *fp;
   struct personaldb pdb;
   struct person p;

   pdb.list = NULL;
   fp = fopen("personal.txt","r");
   if (fp == NULL){
      printf("Error opening file\n");
      return 0;
   while (!feof(fp)){
       fscanf(fp,"%s%s",p.firstname, p.lastname);

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Implement a program that: reads a number of personal records (for example, using PERSON struct from...
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