
You are conducting a multinomial hypothesis test (αα = 0.05) for the claim that all 5...

You are conducting a multinomial hypothesis test (αα = 0.05) for the claim that all 5 categories are equally likely to be selected. Complete the table.

Category Observed
A 21
B 12
C 16
D 8
E 24

Report all answers accurate to three decimal places. But retain unrounded numbers for future calculations.

What is the chi-square test-statistic for this data? (Report answer accurate to three decimal places, and remember to use the unrounded Pearson residuals in your calculations.)

What are the degrees of freedom for this test?

What is the p-value for this sample? (Report answer accurate to four decimal places.)
p-value =  
It may be best to use the =CHIDIST() function in Excel to do this calculation.

The p-value is...

  • less than (or equal to) αα
  • greater than αα

This test statistic leads to a decision to...

  • reject the null
  • accept the null
  • fail to reject the null
  • accept the alternative

As such, the final conclusion is that...

  • There is sufficient evidence to warrant rejection of the claim that all 5 categories are equally likely to be selected.
  • There is not sufficient evidence to warrant rejection of the claim that all 5 categories are equally likely to be selected.
  • The sample data support the claim that all 5 categories are equally likely to be selected.
  • There is not sufficient sample evidence to support the claim that all 5 categories are equally likely to be selected.
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Answer #1
Observed (Oi ) Expected ( Ei) Oi-Ei (Oi-Ei)^2 (Oi-Ei)^2/Ei
21 16.2 4.8 23.04 1.4222
12 16.2 -4.2 17.64 1.0889
16 16.2 -0.2 0.04 0.0025
8 16.2 -8.2 67.24 4.1506
24 16.2 7.8 60.84 3.7556

observed frequncies are Oi
21 12 16 8 24
expected frequencies are Ei = (21 + 12 + 16 + 8 + 24)/5 = 16.2
and claiming hypothesis is
null, Ho: all 5 categories are equally likely to be selected.
alternative, H1: all 5 categories are not equally likely to be selected.
level of significance, alpha = 0.05
from standard normal table, chi square value at right tailed, ᴪ^2 alpha/2 =9.4877
since our test is right tailed,reject Ho when ᴪ^2 o > 9.4877
we use test statistic ᴪ^2 o = Σ(Oi-Ei)^2/Ei
from the table take sum of (Oi-Ei)^2/Ei, we get ᴪ^2 o = 10.4198
critical value
the value of |ᴪ^2 alpha| at los 0.05 with d.f, n - 1 = 5 - 1 = 4 is 9.4877
we got | ᴪ^2| =10.4198 & | ᴪ^2 alpha | =9.4877
make decision
hence value of | ᴪ^2 o | > | ᴪ^2 alpha| and here we reject Ho
ᴪ^2 p_value =0.0339
What is the chi-square test-statistic for this data? test statistic: 10.4198
What are the degrees of freedom for this test?    d.f = 4
What is the p-value for this sample? p-value = 0.0339
The p-value is...? less than (or equal to) αα
This test statistic leads to a decision to...? reject the null
As such, the final conclusion is that...
There is sufficient evidence to warrant rejection of the claim that all 5 categories are equally likely to be selected.

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You are conducting a multinomial hypothesis test (αα = 0.05) for the claim that all 5...
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