
Write a function called most_consonants(words) that takes a list of strings called words and returns the...

Write a function called most_consonants(words) that takes a list of strings called words and returns the string in the list with the most consonants (i.e., the most letters that are not vowels). You may assume that the strings only contain lowercase letters. For example:

>>> most_consonants(['python', 'is', 'such', 'fun']) result: 'python'

>>> most_consonants(['oooooooh', 'i', 'see', 'now']) result: 'now'

The function that you write must use a helper function (either the num_vowels function from lecture, or a similar function that you write), along with either a list comprehension or recursion. In either case, you should put the helper function in your file, just above the definition of your function for this problem. Note: You don’t need to worry about cases in which two or more words are tied for the most consonants.

The helper function that must be used is below:

def num_vowels(s):
    """ returns the number of vowels in the string s
        input: s is a string of 0 or more lowercase letters
    if s == '':
        return 0
        num_in_rest = num_vowels(s[1:])
        if s[0] in 'aeiou':
            return 1 + num_in_rest
            return 0 + num_in_rest
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Answer #1


def num_vowels(s):
""" returns the number of vowels in the string s
input: s is a string of 0 or more lowercase letters
if s == '':
return 0
num_in_rest = num_vowels(s[1:])
if s[0] in 'aeiou':
return 1 + num_in_rest
return 0 + num_in_rest

def most_consonants(arr):
#To handle empty array
if(not arr):
return ""
# #consonants = length - #vowels
maxim = len(arr[0]) - num_vowels(arr[0])
ans = arr[0]
for word in arr[1:]:
temp = len(word) - num_vowels(word)
if(temp > maxim):
maxim = temp
ans = word
return ans

print("most_consonants(['python', 'is', 'such', 'fun']) result:",most_consonants(['python', 'is', 'such', 'fun']))
print("most_consonants(['oooooooh', 'i', 'see', 'now']) result:",most_consonants(['oooooooh', 'i', 'see', 'now']))


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Write a function called most_consonants(words) that takes a list of strings called words and returns the...
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