
[JAVA} Thanks in advance for your help! Write a program that asks the user to type...

[JAVA} Thanks in advance for your help!

Write a program that asks the user to type in ages. They will type a negative age when they finish entering the ages. The program will print out the average of all of the ages and the oldest age entered. It should end with a newline.

Sample output #1

Type a negative for age to exit
Enter your age: 21
Enter your age: 22
Enter your age: 21
Enter your age: -8
The average age is: 21.33
The oldest person is: 22 years old

Sample output #2

Type a negative for age to exit
Enter your age: -10
No ages were entered
0 0
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Answer #1
//You have to save this file as
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main{
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Type a negative for age to exit");
    System.out.print("Enter your age: ");
    int age = scanner.nextInt(), sum = 0, max, count = 0;
    max = age;
    sum = age;
    while (age > 0){
      System.out.print("Enter your age: ");
      age = scanner.nextInt();
      if(max < age){
        max = age;
      if(age > 0)
        sum += age;
    if(sum < 0){
      System.out.println("No ages were entered");
      System.out.printf("The average age is: %.2f\n",(1.0*sum/count));
      System.out.println("The oldest person is: "+max+" years old");

Type a negative for age to exit
Enter your age: 21
Enter your age: 22
Enter your age: 21
Enter your age: -8
The average age is: 21.33
The oldest person is: 22 years old

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[JAVA} Thanks in advance for your help! Write a program that asks the user to type...
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