The theory which I would like to focus here is the simulation theory. This theory focuses primarily on empathy emotion within us. The incident is with respect to my friend Ben who recently lost his job. Last week he came to my home and I found him pretty upset. He then told me that he lost his job and it is becoming very much difficult to get a new job as per his expectation. I very well am aware of his personal commitments as well. I felt empathy to him as I was exactly able to understand how it would feel like on losing a job at this point of career. Myself have gone through the same and hence know the bitterness and pain experienced by the same. Here the replica of his emotions is happening in my mind as per simulation theory. Simulation theory states that whenever a person undergoes a situation we experience an empathy on him due to realising the consequence of feelings the other person is currently undergoing through. I told him not to worry and promised him to offer a job of his expectation after my discussion with management of the company I was working for then. Luckily, it worked out and he was back to a new job with me in less than 2 weeks time.
Cite a theory that would explain why you helped or walked away from someone in need....
1. Explain why theory is used in health communication planning, and cite a specific example from the chapter.
Which motivational theory do you think explains the psychological reasons that someone would engage in the annual Encierro “running of the bulls” in Pamplona, Spain in July every year? First explain what the event is and then explain the motivational theory you think explains the psychological reasons a person might participate in it.
Explain the memory theory of personal identity. According to this theory, why are you the same person as you were yesterday?
Explain Least Preferred Coworker Theory. Why do you identify with this theory/model? Why do you NOT identify with this theory/model? How would you implement this theory/model? How would your personal biases affect your implementation of this theory/model? If applicable, briefly summarize your Experiential Learning Exercise results for this theory/model. What questions do you have regarding this theory/model? What would you like to learn more about?
How do you explain Capabilities Theory to someone? Use an example (from article "Women’s Capabilities and Social Justice*" to illustrate.
If someone from a sea level area goes to Cuzco, Peru, why would this person be gasping for air? Explain what is happening in terms of respiration and how is that an example of Le Chetaliers principle? Please explain in details and chemical equation. Thanks.
Based on milecular structure and bonding theory, explain why you would expect urea to be a very highly soluble compound.
Based on the economic theory use a graph to explain why you would exchange a $15 gift (good Y) for cash after Christmas holidays. Explain how your own satisfaction would be affected if you consume the gift and receive the cash. How would the cash affect your budget constraint?
Describe a specific ability possessed by yourself or someone you know at which you or the other person is very good. What kind of intelligence does this ability show? How does this ability help individuals adapt to their culture, and how does it help the culture survive? Describe a test that would measure the ability you indicated as a form of intelligence. Give a few examples of the type of questions or tasks your test would include, and how they...
***Need help explaining patch management*** Patch Management How would you explain the need for patching without being too technical? In other words, how would you explain patching to someone unfamiliar to IT?