Answer: The Occupational safety and health Act focus on the safety of the employees at work place.
The four types of injury defined by OSHA are:
1. Injury or Illness related death: Any injury which lead to death of the worker at the workplace should be reported within 8 hours of the incident.
2. Disability injury: Any injury or casualty caused to the worker which unable the employee to carry his regular schedule at work place.
3. Medical care injury: In this case of injury the worker needs the care of the physician but he doesn't miss his work or the regular schedule.
4. Minor injuries: Kind of injury that only requires first aid which could be minor and hence doesn't lead employee to leave or miss his regular schedule activities at workplace.
List four (4) types of injuries or illnesses defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Act(OSHA)
Please no copy and paste; EXERCISE #2 - OSHA - MANAGING HEALTH AND SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE In 1970, the U.S. Congress enacted the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) to address ever-increasing instances of death and injury in the workplace. The reason (and authority) for the Congress to become involved in this issue is because the injuries imposed a substantial burden upon and hindrance to interstate commerce. The goal of the Act, which established the Occupational Safety and Health...
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is in the process of conducting a workplace inspection at Kenny's Corp. to determine whether the company is in compliance with standards on health and safety in the workplace. While the investigation is currently in process, Kenny's Corp. estimates that it is probable that an assessment will be made. The range of a reasonably possible assessment is between $25,000 and $100,000. How should this potential loss be treated for financial statement purposes? Accounting...
Identify Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) governmental agency. Then do the following: Discuss the role of the agency. Present arguments for and against its role in the regulation of business.
kasandra ran HM2020 Wk5 Assignment 2018 (2) Word O Tell me what you want to do References Mailings Review View Help Design Layout e Utimate Medical Academy 15. List four (4) types of injuries or illnesses defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) a Type answer here b. Type answer here C Type answer here d Type answer here 16. Explain the four (4) types of workplace violence Factor Explanation Criminal Type answer here Customer Type anser here...
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS), and The Joint Commission (TJC) require that health care organizations maintain risk management programs to address infection control. Detail three measures that your health care organization (or any health care organization) needs to address in the delivery of safe health care services. (Example: Placing hand washing devices at all of the public entrances of the health care facility). Support your response with a minimum of...
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS), and The Joint Commission (TJC) require that health care organizations maintain risk management programs to address infection control. Detail three measures that your health care organization (or any health care organization) needs to address in the delivery of safe health care services. (Example: Placing hand washing devices at all of the public entrances of the health care facility). Support your response with a minimum of...
The acronym OSHA Stands for: A' Occupational Standards Healthcare Association B.' Occupational Services Health Association. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. D. None of these. What agency is responsible for enforcing Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations? AC OSHA B. C Medicare ICAHO All of the above. D. 3. How many federal agencies make up OSHA as a whole? A three c. four two D. one А с Which federal OSHA agency is responsible for researching best practices in safety? OSHA...
In 2017, the Acme Company had 30 individuals with recordable injuries, four individuals with a recordable illness from an occupational exposure, but no fatalities. The company had 400 employees who worked 40-hour weeks with 2 weeks off during the year. Calculate the total injury and illness rate (IR) for the company in 2017 using the following formula: IR = N X 200,000 ÷ T (N = number of injuries illnesses, and fatalities; Y = total hours worked by all employees...
Research and briefly summarizein a few sentences the purpose of each the following safety and health and environmental legislation: The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA 1972); Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA 1996); The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA 1970); The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA 1976); The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA 1974); The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA 1986); and The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA 1976).
Research and briefly summarizein a few sentences the purpose of each the following safety and health and environmental legislation: the Mine Safety & Health Act of 1977 (also mention its precursors); The Clean Water Act (CWA 1977); Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund 1980); The Emergency Planning & Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA 1986); The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA 1972); Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA 1996); The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA 1970);...