1. 1) Vitals signs per routine is appropriate to detect any fluctuations in vital organ functioning.
2) Neurologic status checks every 4 hours , to see any deterioration in neurological functioning
3) Turn ,cough ,deep breaths and incentive spirometry every 2hour is appropriate and is taught pre surgery to expand lungs to prevent atelectasis and for doing it post surgery to avoid accumulation of secretion and pulmonary infections and hence prevent atelectasis.
4) Heat pack and elevate right lower extremity and right upper extremity is appropriate ,it is done to avoid inflammation and swelling
5) Neurovascular checks every 1 hour is appropriate to assess the neurovascular functioning
6) NPO to prevent aspiration patient is kept NPO before surgery
7) IV fluids D51⁄2NS at 100 mL/hr for hydration and fluid and electrolyte balance
8) Morphine sulfate 5 mg IV every 4-6 hours prn is appropriate and within normal range to relieve pain .
2. Weight of the patient is 65kg
Appropriate dose of morphine is 0.05mg to 0.1mg /kg every 4 to 6 hours .
No, the dose of morphine is not appropriate . For chronic pain we give 2.5 to 5mg /kg every 4hours in a child of 16 years .
3. The prescribed dose of morphine is 0.05- 0.1 mg /kg = 0.05×65 to 0.1×65 = 3.25 mg to 6.5mg
Available dose of morphine is 2mg/ml
Means 1ml has 2mg of morphine
We need 3.25mg to 6.5 mg
2mg of morphine is present in 1ml
1mg of morphine will be present in 1/2
Then 3.25mg of morphine will be present in 1/2 ×3.25 ml = 1.6ml
And 6.5mg of morphine will be present in 1/2× 6.5 ml = 3.2ml
1.6ml to 3.2ml of morphine will be drawn according to the upper and lower range and will be double checked by second RN .
4. Patient has sign and symptoms of hypotensive shock
2 Immediate interventions are :-
- Provide Trendelenburg position
- IV fluid administration (isotonic fluids like RL ,NS 0.9% etc )
5. The possible reasons for her changes in her neurologic status are :-
- shock ( hypotensive)
- Increased ICP
Femur and Humerus Fracture K.B. is a 16-year-old, weighing 64 kg, who fell while skiing. She...
3. Prioritize the following orders from the most important (1) to the least important (9), and be prepared to explain the priorities you assigned. a. VS per routine b. Neurologic checks every 2 hours C. Turn, cough, and deep breathe and incentive spirometer (IS) every 2 hours while awake d. Ice pack and elevate right lower extremity and right upper extremity e. Neurovascular checks every 1 hour f. NPO g. IV fluids D5%NS at 100 mL/hr h. Morphine sulfate 5...
You are assigned to Mrs. Z. a 72-year-old woman who fell at home and was admitted to your unit for a fracture of the right hip. She was alert and oriented on admission. After the initial workup, she was taken to surgery for an open reduction with internal fixation (ORIF) of her right hip. This is her first postop day. Her right hip dressing has a small amount of dried dark red drainage. Handoff Report for Mrs. Z: Patient has...
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application to practice s a 34-year-old woman who is ice bags were applied. She was med- She was scheduled for surgery in the being admitted to the orthopedic unit icated in the emergency room with morning to repair both fractures following a motor vehicle accident. She morphine sulfate, 2 mg intravenously 1. Explain the type of fracturest was driving her car through an inter- at 1200. The nursing admission as-patient has incurred. section when someone ran a stop sign sessment...
44085 BANK Scenario-Renal/Urinary Disorder or K.B. is a 32 year old woman who recently visited her primary care physician a couple days ago for a for a urinary tract infection (UTI) and obtained a prescription for azithromycin. She reports that she has finished 3 of the 7 days treatment. int is now She now presents to the hospital with complaints of fatigue and dehydration and is being admitted to the medial floor with AKI from dehydration. While taking her history,...
1. A 4 year old is admitted with pneumonia. She weighs 20 kg. She is febrile at 39 degrees Celsius. Order: Tylenol 200 mg every 4 hours prn fever >38.5 degrees Celsius. Recommended dose range: Tylenol 10-15 mg/kg/DOSE. Available medication: Tylenol elixir unit dose 325 mg/10.15 ml. a. What is her 24 hour fluid requirement?
Chief Complaint: 75-year-old woman who fell on her left hip. History: Judy Smith, a 75-year-old white female, was brought to the emergency room by her son after falling in her kitchen. She has had no major health problems in the past, but she has led an inactive lifestyle and has smoked cigarettes for over 40 years. Judy stated that she spilled water on the kitchen floor while making breakfast and forgot it was there, only minutes later to walk to...
Deep Vein Thrombosis Patient Profile D.R. is a 74-year-old obese Hispanic woman who is in the third postoperative day after an open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) for repair of a left femoral neck fracture after a fall at home. Subjective Data States pain in her left hip is a 4 to 5 on a 1-to-10 scale States pain in her left calf area is a 3 on a 1-to-10 scale Objective Data Physical Examination Vital signs: BP 140/68, pulse 64,...
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please help me with a good SBAR for Kenneth Bronson and Marilyn Hughes? Patient Introduction Kenneth Bronson is a 27-year-old male who was just admitted to the Medical Unit from the Emergency Department. He presented to the Emergency Department two hours ago with chest tightness, difficulty breathing, a productive cough for a week, and fever. Chest x-ray revealed right lower lobe pneumonia. IV was started of normal saline at 75 mL per hour. He is receiving oxygen at 2 L/min per nasal...