Analyze this assembly program (emu 8086) line by line! and explain the purpose of the program!
.model small
.stack 100h
num1 db ?
num2 db ?
num3 db ?
avg db ?
main proc
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
lea dx,msg1
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov ah,1
int 21h
mov num1,al
lea dx,msg2
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov num2,al
lea dx,msg3
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov al,num1
mov al,num2
mov al,num3
mov ah,0
mov dl,3
` div dl
mov avg,al
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
main endp
end main
The main objective of the program is
reading the three data from the command line by using three messages
after reading the data addition is performed then divide by 3 is done to find an average
finally display the average of three numbers
model small
.stack 100h
.data ; data definitions
num1 db ? - num1 is temproray variable of type
byte. db-means define byte
num2 db ? - num1 is temproray
variable of type byte.
num3 db ? - num1 is temproray
variable of type byte.
MSG2,MSG3,MSG4 are messages or string of characters.
avg db ? - avg is temproray variable of type
main proc - procedure declaration
mov ax,data - set up
data segment
mov ds,ax - setup data
lea dx,msg1 - msg1 will be loaded
to dx register
mov ah,9 - to display the messgae 1
int 21h
mov ah,1
int 21h
mov num1,al data read externally or
in commandline is moved to num1 -8 bit register
lea dx,msg2 msg2 will be loaded to
dx register
mov ah,9 - to display the messgae
int 21h
mov num2,al - data read externally
or in commandline is moved to num2 -8 bit register
lea dx,msg3 msg3 will
be loaded to dx register
mov ah,9 -to display the
int 21h
mov al,num1 - Data available in
num1 transfered into al register
mov al,num2 -Data available in num2
transfered into al register
mov al,num3 -Data available in num3
transfered into al register
mov ah,0 - zero value transferred
to ah register to set ah register as zero
mov dl,3 - to average data 3 is
transferred to dl register
` div dl - divide AX register by dl
register- this instruction used to take an average of three
mov avg,al - al register contain
an average of three number is transferred to avg variable
mov ah,4ch - terminate
int 21h
main endp -terminate the procedure
end main
Note: some of the instructions in the program is missing
Reading of third message is missing
mov al, num1
mov al, num2
mov al, num3
the above instruction overwrites the al register
instead, add instruction should be used to add the three numbers and further div instruction performs average of three number
Display of message 4 is missing
Analyze this assembly program (emu 8086) line by line! and explain the purpose of the program!...
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Assembly language 64 bit please ! An example file for set up ==========+ ;| Data Segment BEGINS Here | ;+======================================================================+ segment .data ;Code this expression: sum = num1+num2 num1 dq 0 ;left operand of the addition operation num2 dq 0 ;right operand of the addition operation sum dq 0 ;will hold the computed Sum value RetVal dq 0 ;Integer value RETURNED by function calls ;can be ignored or used as determined by the programmer ;Message string prompting for the keyboard...