
Write a user-defined MATLAB function that will calculate the area/volume of a shape whose dimensions are...

Write a user-defined MATLAB function that will calculate the area/volume of a shape whose dimensions are given by the user. This function will be able to calculate the area for 2D objects like a triangle or a rectangle and 3D objects such as a box. The name of the function will be findArea and it will have four input arguments. The first input argument will be the length. The second input argument will be the width. The third input argument will be the height if it is a 3D object. If not, the user will need to input 0. The fourth argument is to differentiate between 2D objects. It will be a string that is either triangle' or 'rectangle'. If it is a 3D object, the user will need to input 'none' for this argument. There is only one output argument which is the area/volume of the shape given. Make sure to define three subfunctions that will calculate the area of a triangle, rectangle, and box respectively. Call those subfunctions from within findArea().

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Answer #1

I have attached screenshots and code below. Please check them.


function findArea()
a=input('enter the length=');
b=input('enter the width=');
c=input('enter the height if the object is 3D(else enter 0)=');
d=input('enter the type of the object as a string(triangle/rectangle/none):- ');
switch d
case 'triangle'
case 'rectangle'
case 'none'
fprintf('error: You have entered undetermined object type');


function areaTri(base,height)

function areaRect(length,breadth)

function volBox(length,breadth,height)


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Write a user-defined MATLAB function that will calculate the area/volume of a shape whose dimensions are...
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