
WRITE IN JAVA: I've been trying to do this for hours and I can't figure this...


I've been trying to do this for hours and I can't figure this out. I tried the toArray method and I'm stumped. I'm not sure if the remove method is right aswell. If you need anymore info, let me know. I need the following methods completed:




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public class StackSort> {
private VectorStack store, temp;
private int size;

public StackSort(){
store = new VectorStack<>();
temp = new VectorStack<>();
int size = 0;

public boolean add (T obj) {
if (obj == null)
return false;
return true;

public boolean contains(T obj) {
if (obj == null)
return false;
boolean found = false;


while (!found && !store.empty() && store.peek().compareTo(obj) == 0){
if (store.peek().equals(obj))
found = true;

return found;

public boolean remove(T obj) {


public Object [] toArray() {
//not done.
Object [] vectorArray = new Object [size];
for (int i = 0; i < vectorArray.length; i++) {

return vectorArray;

// public Object [] reverseToArray(){


private void findStackLocation(T obj) {
while(!store.empty() && store.peek().compareTo(obj) < 0){

private void emptyTempStack() {
while (!temp.empty()){

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Answer #1

The class T is not defined.

There is another module of program which is not available to me.

Also remove '>' in first line after StackSort

VectorStack class is not defined here.

so, please correct these mistake .then your code may run.

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