These are all examples of product liability lawsuits that have made headlines in recent years. Non-attorney spokespeople advertise on behalf of law firms, seeking participants for class-action lawsuits. This is today’s product liability climate.
Research an instance of product liability that has resulted in a court decision within the last twelve to twenty-four months. It doesn’t matter if the decision was in favor of the plaintiff or the defendant; just be certain that you are able to report on the outcome of the lawsuit. Make sure to get a link and URL for case facts so that your classmates can follow up and read more about what you bring to the discussion. After you have read about the case and completed your research, post to the discussion as required below.
This case involved the death of Walter Huang age 38 an apple engineer who was riding his Tesla model X on autopilot mode . The car got crashed in highway median at mountain view, Calif because The auto pilot mode was not able to function properly. The auto pilot mode even accelerate the speed which cause crash.this model did not brake the car and hit in the highway.The family of Huang sued Tesla under many legal issues like product liability, defective product design, failure to warn, breach of warranty, intentional and negligent misrepresentation and false advertising.
I think Manufacturer should bear more responsibility because Tesla is the one who manufacturing the Cars so they should have proper responsibilities that their cars are safe to use either manual or auto pilot. they should have the responsibility to inform customers about defects which Tesla failed to do.
There is still not decision as investigation is going on but the image of Tesla has been in danger and Elon is re thinking its business stratgey for auto pilot cars.
I think that current product liability system is not broken because there have been many cases at small as well big level in which court has punished the guilty. the case of VW where its cars causes accident and cheat on emission test and decide that company would pay billion dollars fine and imprisonment to guilty.
extra for ref-
in the past, Dow Corning, company paid $2 billion as part of a larger $4.25 billion class action suit filed by customers who claimed that their silicone breast implants were rupturing, causing injury, bodily damage, scleroderma, and death.
In March 2008, GM faced a product liability suit that claimed a damaging chemical was used in its Dex-Cool coolant, which caused leaks and engine damage. A class action suit was filed on behalf of about 35 million GM customers for approximately $20 billion. The customers who filed the suit ended up receiving individual payments in the range of $400 to $800.
Alan Ohnsman,May 1, 2019,"Tesla Sued By Family Of Silicon Valley Driver Killed In Model X Autopilot Crash" forbes
FYI, we are not allowed to answer asking for external
link or give link still i answer this and give ref for your
*hope this will help you. pls give this a upvote i would
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just demanded compensation rather than assigning fault. Thus, for
example, DuPont would pay out compensation based in affidavits or
exposure according to a schedule of harms. (Worker’s compensation
operates in such this way.) Similarly, a firm making lawn mowers
could design a foolproof model or a chapter one that is more likely
to result in injuries to users. Without the need to assign fault or
blame, considerable saving would...
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