
For the following two questions, consider the following relative risks (and their confidence intervals), where our...

For the following two questions, consider the following relative risks (and their confidence intervals), where our exposure is burns and the outcome is skin infection.

Unadjusted: 1.74 (0.97, 2.95)

Age Adjusted: 1.77 (0.98, 2.98)

Gender Adjusted: 2.60 (1.36, 4.12)

Race Adjusted: 2.23 (1.12, 3.32)

Which measures show a statistically significant association between burns and skin infection? Select all that apply.

  1. Un-adjusted
  2. Age-adjusted
  3. Gender-adjusted
  4. Race-Adjusted
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Answer #1

here as Gender Adjusted and Race Adjusted: measure does not contain 1 in their confidence intervla

therefore they are statistically significant

optionC and D are correct

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For the following two questions, consider the following relative risks (and their confidence intervals), where our...
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