def cartracker(): parkinggarage = lists () for i in range(0,6): parkinggarage.append(input("adding the car to the garage:")) carr = input("which car would you like to retrive?:") count = 0 while parkinggarage.pop() != carr: count + = 1 estimate = (count+1) * 10 mins to retrieve cars print("It is going to take ",estimate,"minutes in order to be able to retrieve your car")
I'm having trouble finishing this python code. your help would be greatly appreciated.
def cartracker(): parkinggarage = [] for i in range(0, 6): parkinggarage.append(input("adding the car to the garage:")) carr = input("which car would you like to retrive?:") count = 0 while parkinggarage.pop() != carr: count += 1 estimate = (count + 1) * 10 # mins to retrieve cars print("It is going to take ", estimate, "minutes in order to be able to retrieve your car") cartracker()
def cartracker(): parkinggarage = lists () for i in range(0,6): parkinggarage.append(input("adding the car to the garage:"))...
Java - Car Dealership Hey, so i am having a little trouble with my code, so in my dealer class each of the setName for the salesman have errors and im not sure why. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. package app5; import java.util.Scanner; class Salesman { private int ID; private String name; private double commRate; private double totalComm; private int numberOfSales; } class Car { static int count = 0; public String year; public String model; public String...
/*hello everyone. my question is mostly related to the garagetest part of this assignment that i've been working on. i am not sure how to read the file's contents AND put them into variables/an array. should it be in an arraylist? or maybe a regular array? or no arrays at all? i am also not sure how to call the factory method from garagec. i'm thinking something along the lines of [Garage garage = new GarageC.getInstance("GarageC", numFloors, areaofEachFloor);] but i...
Could anyone help add to my python code? I now need to calculate the mean and median. In this programming assignment you are to extend the program you wrote for Number Stats to determine the median and mode of the numbers read from the file. You are to create a program called that reads a series of integer numbers from a file and determines and displays the following: The name of the file. The sum of the numbers. The...
I need Summary of this Paper i dont need long summary i need What methodology they used , what is the purpose of this paper and some conclusions and contributes of this paper. I need this for my Finishing Project so i need this ASAP please ( IN 1-2-3 HOURS PLEASE !!!) Budgetary Policy and Economic Growth Errol D'Souza The share of capital expenditures in government expenditures has been slipping and the tax reforms have not yet improved the income...