Problem: Gauss’ Law with Planar Symmetry A very large (infinite) insulating plane is given positive, uniform...
Hanging ball. A small insulating ball of mass M and positive charge Q hangs down from gravity from a massless thread of length L attached at one end to a charged vertical wall of infinite extent that has surface charge density σ. Calculate the angle θ of the thread to the vertical.
Problem 2. m, q An infinite insulating plane has a uniform surface charge density σ-528 nC/m2. A point charge q- 465 nC of mass m 1.14 10-8 kg is released at a distance of 50 cm from the plane. The charge is initially moving toward the plane with a speed of 24.0m/s. What is the closest distance to the plane the charge reaches? (Ignore gravity in this problem.)
Consider a cylindrical capacitor like that shown in Fig. 24.6. Let d = rb − ra be the spacing between the inner and outer conductors. (a) Let the radii of the two conductors be only slightly different, so that d << ra. Show that the result derived in Example 24.4 (Section 24.1) for the capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor then reduces to Eq. (24.2), the equation for the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor, with A being the surface area of...