Below is the Java function getSum which will recursively compute sum of all the nodes data value if all of them are integer, otherwise throw the exception if any of the data is not integer.
int getSum(node *root)
if (root == NULL) //if the root is NULL then simply return 0
return (0) ;
if ( root->data == (int) root->data) //then data is integer
return (root->data + getSum(root->left)+getSum(root->right));
else //throw the exception
throw new NotAnIntegerException();
catch (NotAnIntegerException )
System.out.Println("Data is not an integer");
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This is for java programming. We need a public method for our Binary Search Tree ADT that returns a reference to the information in the node with the "smallest" value in the tree. The signature of the method is public T min() a. Design an iterative version of the method. b. Design a recursive version of the method. c. Which approach is better? Explain.
java language please Suppose a binary tree stores integers. Write efficient methods (and give their Big-Oh running times) that root T and compute a. The number of even data items b. The sum of all the items in the tree 18.10 take a reference to a binary tree public static <AnyTypes void mysteryPrintC BinaryNode-AnyType t) If 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 if( t nu11) System.out.println( t.getElement); mysteryPrint( t.getleft()); System.out.println( t.getElement; mysteryPrint( t.getRight ); System.out.println( t.getElement()); 9 Suppose a...
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EVERYTHING IN C# Write a program that includes a method that returns the sum of all the elements of an ArrayList of Integer Objects. Allow the user to enter the integers to be added to your ArrayList from the console (max of 10 integers). And also write a program that includes a method that returns the sum of all the elements of a Linked List of Integers. Allow the user to enter the integers to be added to your Linked...