
What is meant by true length? True size Why is a true-length line always parallel to...

  1. What is meant by true length? True size

  1. Why is a true-length line always parallel to an adjacent reference line?

  1. If an auxiliary view is drawn from the front view, its depth dimensions would be the     

         same as in what other views?

  1. Describe one method for transferring depth between views.

  1. What is the difference between a complete auxiliary view and a partial auxiliary view?

  1. How many auxiliary views are necessary to draw the true size of an inclined plane? Of an oblique plane?

  1. What is the angle between the reference-plane (or folding line) and the direction-of-    

       sight lines?

  1. How is the development of a pyramid similar to the development of a cone?

  1. When developing a truncated cone or pyramid, why is the complete solid developed


  1. What descriptive geometry techniques are used to determine the intersection points between two solids?

  1. What is a transition piece?
  1. What is a stretchout line?
  1. Which parts of a development are true size and true shape?
  1. What building trades use developments and intersections?
  1. What is the purpose of a revolution?
  1. What is the axis of revolution? What determines where the axis is drawn?
  1. What are successive revolutions?
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Answer #1

1:True length: true length of a feature is the actual length that it can only be expressed when feature is parallel to one of the projection plane.

2:true length line is parallel to adjacent reference line because both are always at right angles to the projection lines

3:depth dimensions would be same as in right or left side ,top or bottom views

4:one method for transferring depth between views is reference line and transfer measurement based on measurement from the reference line

5:complete auxiliary view shows all the part, where as partial auxiliary view shows only that information which adds description to the part

6:For inclined plane one auxiliary view whereas for oblique plane two auxiliary views are required to show the true size

7:the angle between the reference-plane and the direction of sight lines is 90 degrees

8:development of pyramid and development of cone is similar because both are developed from the radial line method

9:complete solid developed first to develop true length lines for measuring.

10:to determine intersection points between two solid,it is generally need to find one of the solid with true shape and size  characteristics

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What is meant by true length? True size Why is a true-length line always parallel to...
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