Before solving questions these types of questions,we must remember these two points-
a) The order is F < C < Li . Here they all lie in period 2 and in accordance with point 2 mentioned above the effective nuclear charge on Li is least, so its size is maximum.
b) The order is Ni < Co < Fe. Here they all lie in period 4 and in accordance with point 2 mentioned above the effective nuclear charge on Fe is least, so its size is maximum. The radius here are comparable though and they dont have major difference.
c) Out of the three P has maximum radius because it lies in period 3 and radius increasing on going down from top to bottom. Now N, O both lie in period 2 but N has less effective nuclear charge so its radius is more. So, the order is O < N < P
d) O-2 AND F-1 are isoelectronic. Now when number of electrons are same we compare the charge. Since O-2 is divalent anion it is bigger than F-1 which is a monovalent anion. Now, S-2 has more shells than both O-2 and F-1 as it is in period 3 so its size is maximum. So the order is F-1 < O-2 < S-2
2.9 Arrange each of the following sets in order of increasing atomic/ionic radius; that is, A...
Arrange each of the following sets of atoms and ions, in order of increasing size: (a) Sea., S2, Sn2+; (b) 02, K+, Rb+. The answer for (a) and (b) is: (a) Se-->S2->Sn+ (b) Rbt>02>K+ Explain the answers.
Arrange the following sets of anions in order of increasing ionic radii: (c) N3–, S2–, Br–, P3–
1.) Arrange the following elements in increasing atomic size/radius- F, P, Cs, Na 2.) Arrange the following elements in decreasing ionization energy- Rb, Na, Cl, Si
33. Answer the following questions (8 Points) a. Arrange the following in increasing atomic size order Fr, Ar, Mg, Al b. Arrange the following in order of decreasing ionization energy N, C, Li, He c. Arrange the following in the order of increasing electron affinity Si, CI, Mg, Ar d. Arrange the following in the order of increasing electronegativity, Xe, C, Si, F
Please answer the following.
To. Arrange the following elements K. Cs. Sr. Ca, Ba and Li in order of increasing lonisation Energy 19. Arrange the following elements K, Cs, Sr, Ca, Ba and Li in order of increasing Radius Atomic size 20. Arrange the following elements K, Cs, Sr, Ca, Ba and Li in order of increasing Electronegativity 21. Arrange the following elements Rb, H, Be, Na, Cs and Ca in order of decreasing Radius Atomic size 22. Arrange the...
Ranking 6. Arrange the following species in order of increasing radius. Specie Ranking Specie Ranking Specie CI, S Mg2+, F- | Br, Rb, Kr Cs, K Ca, Mg, Sr Sr, Ca, Rb CI, F K, Ga, Ca Na+, Mg2+, Al3+, F CI, S2- Au*, Au3+ Cu²+, Cut AI, Mg Cl, Br, F- Ca2+, Sr2+, Cs, Ba2+
For each of the following sets of ionic substances, arrange the members in order of increasing lattice energy (smallest first). (b)CaO, K2O, K2S, CaS (c) ScCl3, TiCl4 , KCl, CaCl2
Arrange the following in order of increasing atomic size: Sn, F, Si, Rb, S Il
Arrange the following ions in terms of increasing atomic radius (arrange them increasing from left [lowest] to right [largest]): P3-, Cl-, K+, S2-
Arrange these ions in order of increasing ionic radius: K+ .p3-, s2-, Cl-. O Cl- <52- <K+ <p3- O K+ < p3- < 52- <CI- O p3- < 52- < CI- <K+ O K+ < Cl- < 52- < P3- O cl- < 52- < P3- <K+