A friend of mine likes to eat peanut M&M’s. Each morning he randomly selects a number of Peanut M&M’s between 1 and 12 to eat during the day from a bag which originally contained 100 Peanut M&M’s.(Hint: Looks like a randi(12) might be used here!). The question is on what day will my friend have to open a new bag of M&M’s for his daily habit. That means that if on day t the last M&Ms are eaten, then on day t+1 he has to start a new bag. By the way, on the last day if the random integer is equal to or greater than the number of M&M’s left, then he eats all that are left.
(1) For our previous problems, we have ONLY used for/end loops. That was because we knew EXACTLY how many times to loop through the code. In this problem, you are to find the number of days (aka: loops), so a while-end is used.
(2) REMEMBER that for a for-end loop, the loop index variable is incremented for you. In a while loop, YOU must increment the loop index variable.
(3) So MOST days you will have the number of Peanut M&M’s left at the beginning of the day as P(t)and at the end of the day as: P(t+1)=P(t)–randi(12)
(4) The way to deal with the last day is that when P(t+1)<=0 set P(t+1)=0.
(5) Don’t forget to initialize your “t”.
The problem has been solved. While loop has been used to solve the problem. Everyday a random function "rand(12)" will give the value from 0-12 days. A screenshot has been attached for better understanding.
import java.util.*;
class Peanut{
public static void main(String[] args){
int total=100;
Random random = new
int t=1;
int rand=
//System.out.println(total+" -> "+t);
System.out.println(t+" day will my friend have to open a new bag of M&M’s for his daily habit");
The problem has been resolved, I hope you will like the solution. If you have any question or query regarding this problem or other, please comment below and give the positive rating.
Thank You!! Happy Learning!! Keep Chegging!!
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