You receive a request from a colleague who is new to the networking field. They were just learning about the difference between distance-vector and link-state routing protocols. Knowing that your business runs EIGRP, they ask you to help them classify EIGRP.
response table using Microsoft® Word or Excel® responding to your colleague on the topic. The column heading should be distance-vector, link-state, and EIGRP, and the rows should be the attributes. Include the following:
EIGRP is an advanced distance vector routing protocol, which gives the shortest path. But uses a multicast address as link routing, which makes it reliable and fast.
You receive a request from a colleague who is new to the networking field. They were...
Please read the article and answer about questions. You and the Law Business and law are inseparable. For B-Money, the two predictably merged when he was negotiat- ing a deal for his tracks. At other times, the merger is unpredictable, like when your business faces an unexpected auto accident, product recall, or government regulation change. In either type of situation, when business owners know the law, they can better protect themselves and sometimes even avoid the problems completely. This chapter...