
In python Complete the function mostCommonCount() so that will accept a list of names as a...

In python Complete the function mostCommonCount() so that will accept a list of names as a parameter, and return the count of the most common name in the list.

mostCommonCount( ['marquard', 'zhen', 'csev', 'zhen', 'cwen', 'marquard', 'zhen', 'csev', 'cwen', 'zhen', 'csev', 'marquard', 'zhen'] ) returns 5
mostCommonCount( ['Jacob', 'Michael', 'Joshua', 'Matthew', 'Emily', 'Madison', 'Emma', 'Olivia', 'Hannah'] ) returns 1
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Answer #1

Source code :-

import statistics
from statistics import mode
def mostCommonCount(List):
for i in list:
if word==i:
List = ['marquard', 'zhen', 'csev', 'zhen', 'cwen', 'marquard', 'zhen', 'csev', 'cwen', 'zhen', 'csev', 'marquard', 'zhen']

for indentation, please refer to the image.

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In python Complete the function mostCommonCount() so that will accept a list of names as a...
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