
Python You will download a file by right clicking on the file name then chose Save...


You will download a file by right clicking on the file name then chose Save link As: WorldSeriesWinners.txt . This file contains a chronological list of the World Series winning teams from 1903 through 2009. (The first line in the file is the name of the team that won in 1903, and the last line is the name of the team that won in 2009. Note that the World Series was not played in 1904 or 1994.) Write a program that lets the user enter the name of a team and then displays the number of times that team has won the World Series in the time period from 1903 through 2009.

TIP: Read the contents of the WorldSeriesWinners.txt file into a list. When the user enters the name of a team, the program should step through the list, counting the number of times the selected team appears.

This is what I have so far.

winners = {}
no_of_series = 0
with open("WorldSeriesWinners.txt") as fil:
for line in fil:
no_of_series = no_of_series + 1
line = line.strip('\n')
if line in winners:
winners[line] = winners[line] + 1
winners[line] = 1
no_champions = len(winners)
values = winners.values()
maximum = max(values)
winner_team = ""
print ("Total number of World Series games: ",no_of_series)
print ("Number of World Series champions: ",no_champions)
print ("The team that won most World Series games: ",)

for key in winners.iterkeys():
if(winners[key] == maximum):
winner_team = key
print (key)

print (winner_team, " won ", maximum, " times")

I keep getting an error message saying:

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 3, in <module>
with open("WorldSeriesWinners.txt") as fil:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'WorldSeriesWinners.txt'

I need help fixing it. A good explanation to what I am doing wrong would be very helpful with a way to fix it / what to fix.

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Answer #1

The reason you are getting this error is because the python compiler is unable to find any such file named 'WorldSeriesWinners.txt' which you are trying to open line 3 of the code, i.e.,

with open("WorldSeriesWinners.txt") as fil: is throwing the error.

In order to resolve the problem, do the following steps:

  • Confirm that the file is present in the location where this python code is saved
  • If the file is present and the error is still coming, then instead of using relative path use full absolute path of the file.

In case the error still persists, feel free to reach out via the comments section.

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Python You will download a file by right clicking on the file name then chose Save...
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