
4. (Exam 3, Fall 2018) An article presents a study that investigated the effect of varying the type of fertilizer on the heig

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H0: Null Hypothesis: \mu 1=\mu 2=\mu 3 (The heights do not differ among the types of fertilizer)

HA:Alternative Hypothesis: \mu 1\neq \mu 2\neq \mu 3 (At least one mean is different from other 2 means)

From the given data, the following Table is calculated:

Control Deficient Slow - release Total
N 10 10 10 30
\sum X 173.1 117 178 468.1
Mean 173.1/10=17.31 117/10=11.7 178/10=17.8 468.1/30=15.603
\sum X^{2} 3149.45 1478.42 3345.18 7973.05
Std. Dev. 4.1243 3.4884 4.432 4.8035

From the above Table, ANOVA Table is calculated as follows:

Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Sum of Squares F
Between treatments 229.7407 2 229.7407/2 = 114.8703 114.8703/16.2737 = 7.0587
Within treatments 439.389 27 439.389/27 = 16.2737
Total 669.1297 29

F - Ratio value = 114.8703/16.2737 = 7.0587

Degrees of Freedom for Numerator = 2

Degrees of Freedom for Denominator = 27

\alpha = 0.05

From Table:

Critical value of F = 3.354

Since the calculated value of F = 7.0587 is greater than critical value of F = 3.354, the difference is significant. Reject null hypothesis.

The data support the claim that The heights differ among the types of fertilizer

By Technology, p - value =0.0034.

Since p - value = 0.0034 is less than \alpha = 0.05, the difference is significant. Reject null hypothesis.

The data support the claim that The heights differ among the types of fertilizer

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4. (Exam 3, Fall 2018) An article presents a study that investigated the effect of varying the ty...
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