
Develope your own theory of intelligence. (Do not merely “steal” from the other theorists). Please write a paper proposing your own theory and then create an intelligence test. Your test should assess...

Develope your own theory of intelligence. (Do not merely “steal” from the other theorists). Please write a paper proposing your own theory and then create an intelligence test. Your test should assess more than the abilities required to succeed academically. In addition, you should describe in your paper: (a) the rationale and components (i.e., distinct aptitudes or abilities) of the test, (b) how you would standardize the test and determine its reliability and validity, (c) note any similarities or differences to other intelligence tests (such as the Stanford-Binet, the WAIS-R, WISC-III, or even other multiple intelligences tests).

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Answer #1

Intelligence is defined as understanding, self-awareness, emotional knowledge, creativity, critical thinking, the capacity for logic, and problem-solving. Intelligence and achievements are the two tools that are used to assess a child's intelligence; it can be verbal like reading. The intelligence of the child depends upon his abilities and age. Intelligence also depends upon how the child is using his cognitive abilities in problem-solving.

The intelligence test is taken for assessment of the abilities required to succeed academically. The intelligence tests I would like to prepare will be both comprehensive and open-ended discussion. The questionnaire that I will prepare would contain the question regarding general knowledge, subject related, language, and math.

This questionnaire will be prepared keeping in mind the age of the child, as the questionnaire will cover many subjects, the IQ of the child can be obtained with respect to his ability to solve the comprehensive subject.

The second part will be an open-ended session, that will cover related questions of the questionnaire, and problem-solving, the way of expressing his views and the confidence level can be evaluated. These tests to identify the areas of strength and weakness and a child’s intellectual potential,

Questionnaire and open-ended method are required because it is observed that some students are very good in writing skill, but when the question of facing the audience comes, they lose their confidence, and could not even read the prepared notes, at this juncture, a confident person will read his paper, and if makes mistake, then immediately, cover it up with right approach, that shows his ability to problem-solving, the body language and confidence,

The reliability of the test will be collecting the data of the number of students, and analyzing it to determine that the student who is prompt in problem-solving and good in comprehensive aptitude test is, in fact, a successful student at present or not. This intelligence test evaluation can be compared with the student's result, as the data based from the previous record, and check whether my way of finding out the intelligence is impressive and successful, (this will help me in finding my intelligence also).

There are many intelligence theories developed such as the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler scales. It evaluates person abilities from 2 years onward and is primarily designed for the children to use the career as per their ability, and liking, its solution involves arithmetical, memory, and vocabulary skills.

The IQ test for the students are taken to help them select the subject and pursue in the field that matches the IQ, but it is often noticed the liking of the subject and inclination changes, the test is taken at 2 years of age and different stages of development, will not show that the child will hundred percent become a doctor or an engineer, there certain factors that keep on changing, the basic intelligence will be the same, but the liking and ability of problem solving changes with constant practice.

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Develope your own theory of intelligence. (Do not merely “steal” from the other theorists). Please write a paper proposing your own theory and then create an intelligence test. Your test should assess...
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