1) a.
2) a.
Both reaction involve transfer of H+ ion from one compound to another.
1. CNH- + H2SO4 ~ NHS HSO, 2. ON a = Proton transfer b = Lewis acid/base c=Radical chain substitution d - Electroph...
a = Proton transfer d = Radical chain addition g = E2 Elimination b = Lewis acid/base e = Electrophilic addition h = SN1 Nucleophilic substitution c = Radical chain substitution f = E1 Elimination i = SN2 Nucleophilic substitution Identify the mechanism by which each of the reactions above proceeds from among the mechanisms listed. Use the letters a - i for your answers. [Review Topics] [References] OX.. — Cif -ОН Η HCI ethyl ether a = Proton transfer...
a = Proton transfer b = Lewis acid/base c = Radical chain substitution d = Radical chain addition e = Electrophilic addition f = E1 Elimination g = E2 Elimination h = S_N1 Nucleophilic substitution i = S_N2 Nucleophilic substitution j = Electrophilic aromatic substitution Identify the mechanism by which each of the reactions above proceeds from among the mechanisms listed. Use the letters a - j for your answers.
lerene* dilute H2SO4 1 Нао OH NO2 NO2 CI 2. -NO2 NO2 a Proton transfer d Radical chain addition g = E2 Elimination h SNl Nucleophilic substitution e Electrophilic addition b Lewis acid/base i SN2 Nucleophilic substitution f El Elimination c Radical chain substitution Identify the mechanism by which each of the reactions above proceeds from among the mechanisms listed. Use the letters a - i for your answers 1. 2 Submit Answer Retry Entire Group 7 more group attempts...
H20 a = Proton transfer b=Lewis acid/base c = Radical chain substitution d-Radical chain addition e = Electrophilic addition f-El Elimination g=E2 Elimination h = Syl Nucleophilic substitution i-Sy2 Nucleophilic substitution Identify the mechanism by which each of the reactions above proceeds from among the mechanisms listed. Use the letters a . i for your answers.
(References O-COCH . . OH HCI 2. HCI + HO a Proton transfer b-Lewis acid/base c Radical chain substitution d-Radical chain addition e Electrophilic addition fE1 Elimination B-E2 Elimination Syl Nucleophilic substitution i S2 Nucleophilic substitution Identify the mechanism by which each of the reactions above proceeds from among the mechanisms listed. Use the letters a- I for your answers, 2. Retry Ente Group 7 more group attempts remaining OH NHE NH CHE OCCH_CH_CHE- NH OH OCCH_CH.CH NH Biosynthesis of...
1 Br NaBr NaOH HO сHз CH3 Нс — она 2. Hао Нассн, CH3 a Proton transfer Radical chain addition d g E2 Elimination h SNl Nucleophilic substitution b Lewis acid/base e Electrophilic addition i S2 Nucleophilic substitution c Radical chain substitution f= E1 Elimination Identify the mechanism by which each of the reactions above proceeds from among the mechanisms listed. Use the letters a - i for your answers 1. 2 Submit Answer Retry Entire Group 8 more group...
Na 0 1. +NaBr benzene, reflux Br 2. a = Proton transfer b Lewis acid base c Radical chain substitution f-E1 Elimination d = Radical chain addition e-Electrophilic addition g = E2 Elimination h-Sy1 Nucleophilic substitution i SN2 Nucleophilic substitution Identify the mechanism by which each of the reactions above proceeds from among the mechanisms listed. Use the letters a - i for your answers.
сHа Lt Li CH3 CH3 2. НС но-сна Radical chain addition a Proton transfer d g E2 Elimination h Syl Nucleophilic substitution b Lewis acid/base e Electrophilic addition i SN2 Nucleophilic substitution f = E1 Elimination c Radical chain substitution Identify the mechanism by which each of the reactions above proceeds from among the mechanisms listed. Use the letters a - i for your answers 1. 2.
Identifying reaction mechanism [Review Topics] 2. NCHsh CI a = proton transfer b -Lewis agd base c Radical chain substitution d Radical chain addition e Electrophilic addition f- El Elimination g = E2 Elimination h Syl Nucleophilic substitution i-SN2 Nucleophilic substitution Identify the mechanism by which each of the reactions above proceeds from among the mechanisms listed. U'se the letters a -i for your answers 1. 2. Group
1. +conc. HBr Ho aProton transfer b Lewis acid base e Radical chain substitution d- Radical chain addition e = Electrophile addition El Elimination gE2 Elimination hSyl Nucleophilie substitution -Sy2 Nacleophilic substitution Electrophilic aromatic substitution dentify the mechanism by whach each of the reactions above proceeds from among the mechanisms listed Use the leters a J for your answers Ssbmit Answer Retry Entire Group 1 more group attonpt remaining