
PR 25-5A Product pricing using the cost-plus approach concepts; OBJ. 1, 2 differential analysis for accepting additional busi
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1. Desired profit = 15% rate of return on invested asset

Desired profit = 15% * 1,500,000

Desired profit = $225,000



Particulars Amount
Direct Material 120
Direct labor 30
Factory Overhead 50
Selling and administrative expenses 35
Total Variable cost per unit 235

b Markup percentage = (Desired profit/Total Cost)*100

Total variable cost = 5,000 * $235 = $1,175,000

Total Fixed cost = 250,000 + 150,000 = $400,000

Total Cost = $1,575,000

Markup percentage = (225,000/1,575,000)*100

Markup percentage = 14.29%

c) Selling price = Total Cost + Mark up

Selling price = ($1,575,000/5,000) + 14.29% of total cost per unit

Selling price = $315 + 14.29% of $315

Selling price = $315 + $45.01

Selling price = $360.01



Particulars Amount
Direct Material 120
Direct labor 30
Factory Overhead 50
Selling and administrative expenses 35
Total Variable cost per unit   (A) 235
Total Fixed Cost (250,000 +150,000) 400,000
Fixed cost per unit (400,000/5,000)     (B) 80
Total cost per unit   (A) + (B) 315

b Markup percentage = desired profit/total cost

Total variable cost = 5,000 * $235 = $1,175,000

Total Fixed cost = 250,000 + 150,000 = $400,000

Total Cost = $1,575,000

Markup percentage = (225,000/1,575,000)*100

Markup percentage = 14.29%

c) Selling price = Total Cost + Mark up

Selling price = ($1,575,000/5,000) + 14.29% of total cost per unit

Selling price = $315 + 14.29% of $315

Selling price = $315 + $45.01

Selling price = $360.01

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