I need help with my homework please. I should write this program in C++ language and use Inventory.h file (header file), Inventory.cpp file (implementation file), and main.cpp file (main program).
This is the program:
Demonstrate the class in a driver program. Input validation, don’t accept negative values for item number, quantity, or cost.
Answer :
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class inventory
inventory(int itemNum,int Quantity,double Cost);
void setItemNumber(int Item);
void setQuantity(int Quantity);
void setCost(double cost);
void setTotalCost();
int getItemNumber();
int getQuantity();
double getCost();
double getTotalCost();
int itemNumber;
int quantity;
double cost;
double totalCost;
#endif // INVENTORY_H
#include "inventory.h"
using namespace std;
inventory::inventory() // default constructor set all values to
inventory :: inventory(int itemNum,int Quantity,double Cost)
//set all values passed using parameter constructor
setTotalCost(); //calculate cost
void inventory :: setItemNumber(int itemNum)
if(itemNum>=0) //check for negative value if so set zero and
print a message
cout<<"don't pass negative value" <<"\n";
void inventory :: setQuantity(int Quantity)
if(Quantity>=0) //check for negative value if so set zero and
print a message
cout<<"don't pass negative value" <<"\n";
void inventory :: setCost(double Cost)
if(Cost>=0) //check for negative value if so set zero and print
a message
cout<<"don't pass negative value" <<"\n";
void inventory :: setTotalCost()
int inventory :: getItemNumber()
return itemNumber; //return itemNumber
int inventory :: getQuantity()
return quantity; //return item quantity
double inventory :: getCost()
return cost; //return cost
double inventory :: getTotalCost()
return totalCost; //return total cost
#include <iostream>
#include "inventory.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Testing for parameter constructor" <<
inventory in(11,12,18.19); //set and get values using parameter
inventory Int; //set and get values using default constructor
cout<<"Testing for default constructor
cout<<"testing for negative values"<<endl;
inventory I(11,12,-10); //set and get values using parameter
return 0;
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