
Hello please answer this questions: What makes nursing as a profession both a science and art?...

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What makes nursing as a profession both a science and art?

As a student nurse, how will you integrate nursing as both a science and art in your client?

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Ans) Nursing is widely considered as an art and a science, wherein caring forms the theoretical framework of nursing. Nursing and caring are grounded in a relational understanding, unity, and connection between the professional nurse and the patient. Task-oriented approaches challenge nurses in keeping care in nursing

- This challenge is ongoing as professional nurses strive to maintain the concept, art, and act of caring as the moral center of the nursing profession. Keeping the care in nursing involves the application of art and science through theoretical concepts, scientific research, conscious commitment to the art of caring as an identity of nursing, and purposeful efforts to include caring behaviors during each nurse-patient interaction.

- For example, if you are a nurse, you must know the patient-based nursing care plan (NCP) based on disease & accurate intervention with scientific rationale. You must also know the disease mechanisms of all diseases, medications, and management from all sides. Nurses also need to be up to date on new policies, practices, and procedures. Moreover, they need to know how to manipulate new diagnostic equipment and machines.

- As a student nurse, integration of nursing as both science & art can be done by the study of body system & application of Intervention for the client's care.

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