Case Study #1: A G3P1011 presented to labor and delivery for induction at 39 2/7 weeks with a positive Group B Strep culture but delivered only two hours after the first dose of Penicillin G had infused. The infant’s temperature at birth and 30 minutes of age was 101 degrees F. The neonatologist ordered the following labs: CBC with manual differential and C Reactive Protein. At one hour of age the CBC and differential results were returned. The total WBC count was 31,000. Is the WBC count a reliable indication of infection in a neonate? Why or why not? Immature neutrophils are an important indicator. The may also be referred to as “bands” or “banded neutrophils”. What is an I/T ratio? What is the significance of a normal I/T ratio? Why might a series of CRP values be ordered? What findings are typically seen in bacterial infection?
Case Study #2: A G3P0020 delivered a 6 lb male at 37 weeks. At birth the newborn was visibly jaundiced. The RN noted the mother’s blood type was O positive. Discuss why the neonatologist ordered a Type/Rh, Direct Coombs test, and Bilirubin Direct, Indirect, and Total Bilirubin on this infant. The samples were obtained at one hour of age and the results were reported to be as follows: Blood Type: A, Rh factor= positive, Direct Coombs= positive, Bilirubin direct= 0.8 mg/dl, Indirect= 6.2 mg/dl and Total=7 mg/dl. Is the newborn’s jaundice pathologic or physiologic (include your rationale)? What is the most likely cause of the positive Direct Coombs test and the newborn’s jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia?
Case Study #3: You are caring for the Large for
Gestational Age (LGA) infant of a mother diagnosed with gestational
diabetes at 28 weeks during her pregnancy. You know that newborns
of diabetic mothers are at risk for hypoglycemia in the neonatal
period. Discuss the time frame of greatest risk and how point of
care monitoring should be carried out. If the glucose reading is
below 40 mg/dl, what interventions does the nurse
Wbcs are not reliable indicator as value of wbcs changes with age and during pregnancy.. on the day of birth, number of leukocytes range from 9000- 30000. Their number falls to adult number in 2 weeks.
I/T ratio is the ratio of immature to total neutrophil count. Normal ratio in first 24 hrs is 0.16. This ratio is useful to determine early onset sepsis. As it increases (>0.2)in case of infection
CRP was monitored to assess early onset sepsis in newborn as value increases crp value increases in bacterial infection i.e. >40 mg/l
Case Study #1: A G3P1011 presented to labor and delivery for induction at 39 2/7 weeks...
Case Study #1: A G3P1011 presented to labor and delivery for induction at 39 2/7 weeks with a positive Group B Strep culture but delivered only two hours after the first dose of Penicillin G had infused. The infant’s temperature at birth and 30 minutes of age was 101 degrees F. The neonatologist ordered the following labs: CBC with manual differential and C Reactive Protein. At one hour of age the CBC and differential results were returned. The total WBC...
Anemia Case Study A 44 year old white woman was seen in the emergency department. She complained of fatigue and weakness. Over the past 2 weeks, she had noted that the whites of her eyes and her skin were becoming yellowish looking. On physical examination, the spleen was palpable. The emergency department physician ordered a CBC, serum bilirubin and a retic count. The test findings were: WBC: 9,000/ul RBC: 3.0 x 106/ul Hb: 8.5 g/dl HCT: 27% MCV: 90.4 fl...
Anemia Case Study A 5 year old white boy was admitted with a fractured tibia following a playground accident. A CBC was ordered on admission. WBC: 12,500/ul RBC: 3.6 x 106/ul Hb: 10.2 g/dl HCT: 27% MCV: 96.4 fl MCHC: 38 g/dl The peripheral blood smear revealed anisocytosis, some spherocytosis, and polychromatophilia. Platelet distributation was normal on the smear. Following the receipt of the CBC results, the physician ordered a serum bilirubin and an osmotic fragility test. The findings were...
Anemias Case Study A 5 year old son of a Liberian exchange student was hospitalized because of severe diarrhea, abdominal distention and splenomegaly. On admission the following tests were ordered: CBC, bilirubin, hemoglobin electrophoresis, electrolyte studies, urinalysis and stool culture. The results of these tests were as follows: WBC: 8,700/ul RBC: 2.06 x 106/ul Hb: 5.8 g/dl HCT: 19.6% MCV: 96.4 fl MCHC: 32 g/dl PLT: 420,000/ul The peripheral blood smear revealed moderate aniso, 4 + poik, 3+ poly, occasional...
Anemia Case Study A 50 year old white woman had seen her physician and reported having no energy and feeling tired all the time. She also reported experiencing mild pain in the abdominal region. The physician ordered a routine CBC. WBC: 4,500/ul RBC: 1.76 x 106/ul Hb: 6.2 g/dl HCT: 22% MCV: 129.4 fl MCHC: 32 g/dl The peripheral blood smear demonstrated abnormalities of erythrocytes and leukocytes. On receipt of the laboratory data, the physician ordered the following additional tests:...
CASE STUDY 5 Mrs. C., a 79-year-old woman, presented to the emergency department barely able to walk. She said that she had gotten progressively weaker in the past couple of weeks and that she had noticed that her appetite was failing. She had seen some yellow color to her eyes and skin, and that worried her. She had no desire to eat but she did crave ice. Mrs. C. was thin, emaciated, and pale; she had difficulty walking and seemed...
A 7-day old infant presented to the emergency room with a rigid neck, lethargy, and a temperature of 39˚C. The physician asked the mother about the delivery and she stated it was long process. Her baby was born premature and her water broke 48 hours prior to delivery and she was in labor for 36 hours. The physician decided to perform a lumbar puncture and draw a set of blood cultures. The physician was only able to obtain 1 mL...
CASE STUDY 27.1 A52-year-old man with a history of AIDS, hypertension, iabetes mellitus, and alcohol abuse was found uncon- scious in his home by his roommate. In the emergency department, he was (temperature 101°F), and unresponsive. Computed tomog- raphy scan of the abdomen showed cholecystitis and gallstones. Laboratory data are listed. The patient was was administered intravenous fluids; BUN fell to 68 mg/dL and creatinine fell to 2.2 mg/dL.The patient's blood culture report was positive for E. coli. He was...
chapter 4 Gastrointestinal Disorders Case Study 46 Case Study 46 46lass/Group Date Group Members apply to this case study Your responses should be brief and to the point. When askecd o provide several answers, ist them in order of clearly If your response is not legible, It wil be marked as 7 and you will need to or wite Scenario P.M, a 24- year-eld house painter, has been tooill to work for the past 3 days. When he arrives at...
CASE STUDY 3 When a 50-year-old woman was referred to a hematologist for recurring pancytopenia, her WBC was 2.5 x 109/L; RBC, 2.1 x 1012/L; Hgb, 9.0 g/dL; Hct, 30%; platelet count, 40 x 10°/L: MCV,70 TL; MCH, 26 pg; and MCHC, 30.5%. In addition to pancytopenia, she had been experiencing shortness of breath and fatigue for the past 3 weeks, and lately these symptoms had gotten worse. Her family history was unremarkable, but she explained that she has had...