saturated vapour pressure value has taken from steam table.
9. A building has indoor air conditions of 70°F dry bulb temperature and 40% relative humidity....
The air in a building has a dry bulb temperature of 72F and 40% relative humidity. They are trying to achieve The building is 45’ long, 37’ wide, and has a 10’ ceiling. Find the quantity of water required to raise the relative humidity to 55%
The atmospheric air 32 °C dry bulb temperature and 70% relative humidity supplied to the cooling coil at a rate of 45m3/min. The air cooling to the saturated state and leaving at a temperature of 16 °C. Determine: a- Specific humidity at each state. b- Wet bulb and dew point temperatures at the final state c- Final relative humidity. d- Mass of water condensed. e- Rate of heat removed from the air in kW. f- Show the process on Psychrometric...
11-35.A moist air mixture with a dry bulb temperature of 48°C, a relative humidity of 40 percent, and a total pressure of 160 kPa is contained in a rigid vessel having a volume of 1.65 m3. The air is cooled until the dry bulb temperature reaches 23°C. Determine the amount of heat transferred, the final pressure of the air, and the amount of water vapor condensed during the process.
Q 1: In an air conditioning system return air at 26°C dry-bulb temperature and 50% relative humidity is mixed with outdoor ambient air at 34°C dry-bulb temperature and 60% relative humidity. The dry air mass flow rate of outdoor air is 30% of the supply air mass flow rate to the space. The pressure is constant at 101.3 kPa. Calculate (i) the enthalpy, (ii) the humidity ratio, and (ii) the dry-bulb temperature of the supply air. (i) Compare the results...
3. The air in a building is to be maintained at 25°C and 55% relative humidity by passing outside air through a water spray. The air enters the spray chamber at 32°C and 70% relative humidity, leaves the chamber cooled and saturated with water vapor, and is then reheated to 25°C. Estimate the temperature of the air leaving the spray chamber and the water (kg) added to or removed from (specify which) each kilogram of dry air processed
The dry bulb temperature and relative humidity in your bedroom are currently at 65 ⁰F and 40%, respectively. You would like to warm up the room to 75 ⁰F by turning on the heater (adding dry heat). What will be the relative humidity in your room
Exercise 2 Moist air at 1 atm. barometric pressure has a dry bulb temperature of 40°C and a wet bulb temperature of 320C. Using both the equations for the moist air properties and the psychrometric chart find: g) the partial pressure of the water vapor h) humidity ratio i) relative humidity j) dew-point temperature k) specific volume 1) enthalpy of moist air Insert the data and the results from the chart in the following table: Enthalpy Specific kJ/kg m/kg Humidity...
150 ft3/min of air at 80F dry-bulb temperature and 70% relative humidity enters an air conditioning unit and leaves it as saturated air at 50F. Part of the moisture in the air that condensate is collected and removed at 55F. Draw the cycle on the attached chart and a)Determine the rates of heat removal from the air. b)Determine the rate of moisture removal from the air
2- Air at 39.5 °C and humidity ratio of 9 (grams /kg dry air) is humidified adiabatically to 70% relative humidity (sea-level pressure). Liquid water is supplied at 70 °C for humidification (hf = 293 kJ/kg, hg = 2626.1 kJ/kg) Determine: a) The initial wet bulb temperature b) The initial relative humidity c) The initial density d) The final wet bulb temperature e) The final density f) The final dry bulb temperature
Exercise 3 Moist air at 1 atm. barometric pressure has a dry bulb temperature of 29 C and a wet bulb temperature of 22°C. Using the psychrometric chart and the table for saturated vapor find the following air properties: Pr T- 40 a) the partial pressure of the water vapor b) humidity ratio c) relative humidity d) dew-point temperature e) specific volume ) enthalpy of moist air